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Created March 16, 2020 11:42
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Online Teaching Tips

All official teaching guidelines are provided here. This page summarizes the documentation in these pages that is relevant to our use case.


  • Tool: The best tool available to us is Zoom. The Pro version of zoom is available to all Professors and Teaching Assistant.
  • Setup: First configure your account at
  • Two choices:
    • Meetings: Recommended for courses with <200 students. A Skype-like meeting with many features (waiting rooms, polls, emoji reaction for quick replies, breakout rooms, ...).
    • Webinars: Recommended for courses with >200 students. Students cannot share video/audio.

Configure your global settings

For the first time only, configure your global settings. These settings will then be set by default for future scheduled meetings.

  • Go to
  • Choose "Sign in - Configure your account"
  • Choose "Settings" in the left menu bar and go the "Meeting" tab
  • We advise you to keep the standard settings, except for:
    • Host video: on
    • Participants video: on
    • Audio type: Computer Audio
    • Mute participants upon entry: on
    • Auto saving chats: on
    • Co-host: on
    • Polling: on
    • Allow host to put attendee on hold: on
    • Nonverbal feedback: on (Let participants quickly answer questions with reaction/emoji in the chat. It makes feedback much more convenient)
  • Other interesting features might be:
    • Attention tracking: Lets you see an indicator if a participant does not have Zoom window in focus)
    • Waiting room: Participants join in a waiting room. You have to admit them to the meeting individually, this may be useful for exercise sessions.

Schedule a meeting

  • Go to
  • Choose "Host - Schedule a meeting"
  • In the form, enter the meeting details:
    • Topic / Description: Use a descriptive clear lecture title (optionally alongside a description)
    • When / Duration / Time Zone: Choose the time and duration of the lecture (these are not enforced. It is just a way for Zoom to allocate resources)
    • Recurring meeting: Do not tick the box
    • In meeting options, select:
      • Disable waiting room
      • Enable Record the meeting automatically, in the cloud

Host a live lecture

  • Get ready for the session:
    • Set up your tools, make sure you have:
      • A laptop or a desktop to run ZOOM, that has a camera and speaker
      • A suitable microphone
      • Wired internet (recommended by ZOOM)
    • If you use PowerPoint:
      • Start your PowerPoint presentation in present-mode
      • At the bottom left of your screen, you can swtich cursors (laser pointer, pen, hidden, ...)
  • Start the meeting:
    • Go to
    • Select your meeting and click start. This will prompt you to open your Zoom client, or download one.
    • You will be given the option of testing your microphone.
    • Once you join the meeting, your webcam image will be displayed.
    • An cloud icon will show that recordings is underway. Recording can be paused/stopped. If stopped, it will generate a video file and start a new one when you restart recording.
    • In the menu bar:
      • The share function lets you share your slideshow. You can select which window to share
    • The Polling function lets you start a poll with multiple-choice questions for full-powered Q&A.
    • The Chat function lets you interact with the class through a text chat.
    • In **Participants, students can also react with nonverbal feeback using some emoji symbols for quick Q&A.
  • Click "End the meeting" to stop recording at the end of the lecture.

Pre-record a lecture

Just like for a live lecture, you can also pre-record a lecture and then share the link of the recorded video on Moodle (or any other platform of your choice).

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