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Created April 6, 2023 15:59
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Countdown Component for Framer Hosted
import { useEffect, useRef } from "react"
import { motion, useInView, useMotionValue, useSpring } from "framer-motion"
import type { ComponentType } from "react"
import { addPropertyControls, ControlType } from "framer"
* These annotations control how your component sizes
* Learn more:
* @framerSupportedLayoutWidth auto
* @framerSupportedLayoutHeight auto
export default function Counter({ counterValue, direction, typography }) {
const ref = useRef<HTMLSpanElement>(null)
const countdownValue = counterValue ? counterValue : 100
const motionValue = useMotionValue(
direction === "down" ? countdownValue : 0
const springValue = useSpring(motionValue, {
damping: 100,
stiffness: 100,
const isInView = useInView(ref, { once: true, margin: "-100px" })
useEffect(() => {
if (isInView) {
motionValue.set(direction === "down" ? 0 : countdownValue)
}, [motionValue, isInView])
() =>
springValue.on("change", (latest) => {
if (ref.current) {
ref.current.textContent = Intl.NumberFormat("en-US").format(
const itemStyle: React.CSSProperties = {
font: `${typography.weight} ${typography.size}px/1 ${typography.font}`,
color: typography.color,
letterSpacing: typography.letter,
lineHeight: typography.line,
textTransform: typography.transform,
width: "100%",
display: "inline-flex",
flexDirection: "column",
alignItems: "center",
justifyContent: "center",
textAlign: "center",
backdropFilter: `blur(${blur}px)`,
// style="color:#000;font-size:72px;"
return (
<motion.div style={itemStyle}>
<span ref={ref} />
export function CounterC(props) {}
CounterC.defaultProps = {
value: 0,
direction: "up",
addPropertyControls(Counter, {
counterValue: {
title: "Value",
type: ControlType.String,
direction: {
title: "Direction",
type: ControlType.Enum,
defaultValue: "up",
options: ["up", "down"],
optionTitles: ["Up", "Down"],
typography: {
type: ControlType.Object,
controls: {
font: { type: ControlType.String, defaultValue: "Inter" },
weight: {
type: ControlType.Enum,
defaultValue: "400",
options: [
"italic 200",
"italic 300",
"italic 400",
"italic 500",
"italic 600",
"italic 700",
"italic 800",
optionTitles: [
"Extra Light",
"Extra Light Italic",
"Light Italic",
"Medium Italic",
"Semibold Italic",
"Bold Italic",
"Extra Bold",
"Extra Bold Italic",
color: {
title: "Color",
type: ControlType.Color,
size: {
type: ControlType.Number,
defaultValue: 16,
unit: "px",
step: 1,
displayStepper: true,
letter: {
type: ControlType.Number,
defaultValue: 0,
max: 10,
unit: "%",
step: 1,
displayStepper: true,
line: {
type: ControlType.Number,
defaultValue: 1,
max: 3,
unit: "em",
step: 0.1,
displayStepper: true,
transform: {
type: ControlType.Enum,
defaultValue: "none",
options: ["none", "capitalize", "uppercase", "lowercase"],
optionTitles: ["None", "Capitalize", "Uppercase", "Lowercase"],
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