For all exercises, let’s make sure we’re collaborating, not just submitting as quick as possible. We are a community of professionals - let’s learn from each other!
While we need working software, we also want well-crafted software. So once we’ve got a working solution, let’s see how we can improve it for flexibility and maintainability, rather than jumping right to the next one.
- Driver: Lean on your team! Talk through your reasoning! Pass the keyboard in 5 minutes or less!
- Navigators: Ask questions! Suggest improvements empathetically!
- Narrator: Nudge folks as needed! Stick with the Easy difficulty setting!
Example Exercises, with extra credit ideas/prompts
- Algorithms
- Warmup
- Compare the Triplets:
- Extra credit: make the function open to extension (e.g. what if there were 4 or more pairs) - but don't break backwards compatibility!
- Compare the Triplets:
- Implementation
- Grading Students:'
- Extra credit: discuss the extent to which DRY and performance can and should be traded off.
- Grading Students:'
- Strings
- Super Reduced String:
- Extra credit: how many different concerns can we identify, and can we create methods for them?
- Super Reduced String:
- Warmup
- Data Structures
- Arrays
- Left Rotation:
- Extra credit: what can we do about these names?
- Left Rotation:
- Arrays