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Last active December 6, 2022 17:40
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/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/ban-types */
export interface Struct<Static, Instance> {
self: Static & (new () => Instance);
build(): Static & (new () => Instance);
builder: (constructor: Static) => U
): Struct<Static & ToStatic<Instance, U>, Instance & U>;
builder: (self: Static & (new () => Instance)) => U
): Struct<Static & U, Instance>;
export type ToStatic<Self, U> = {
[P in keyof U]: U[P] extends (...args: infer P) => infer R
? (self: Self, ...args: P) => R
: (self: Self) => U[P];
export function struct<Instance, Static = {}>(): Struct<Static, Instance> {
return {
self: class {} as never,
build(): Static & (new () => Instance) {
return this.self as never;
of: (constructor: Static) => U
): Struct<Static & ToStatic<Instance, U>, Instance & U> {
const i = of(this.self);
for (const key in i) {
this.self.prototype[key] = i[key];
this.self[key as never] = ((
self: Instance,
...args: Array<unknown>
): never => {
// @ts-expect-error ts(2864)
return of[key].bind(self as Instance)?.(...args) as never;
}) as never;
return this as never;
builder: (self: Static & (new () => Instance)) => U
): Struct<Static & U, Instance> {
const of = builder(this.self);
for (const key in of) {
this.self[key as never] = of[key] as never;
return this as never;
interface Num {
value: number;
interface Add<Self> {
add(this: Self, value: Self): Self & this;
interface Sub<Self> {
sub(this: Self, value: Self): Self & this;
interface New<Self, U extends Array<unknown>> {
'new'(...args: U): Self;
const p = struct<Num>()
.impl_static<New<Num, [number]>>((self) => ({
new(int: number): Num {
const p = new self();
p.value = int;
return p;
.impl<Add<Num>>((self) => ({
add(value): Add<Num> & Num {
return + value.value) as never;
.impl<Sub<Num>>((self) => ({
sub(value): Num & Sub<Num> {
return - value.value) as never;
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