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Created September 5, 2018 00:32
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Machine Learning Notes
But here some highlights that might be of interest:
- discussion of approximation error, estimation error, and optimization error, rather than the more vague “bias / variance” trade off;
- full treatment of gradient boosting, one of the most successful ML algorithms in use today (along with neural network models);
- more emphasis on conditional probability modeling than is typical (you give me an input, I give you a probability distribution over outcomes — useful for anomaly detection and prediction intervals, among other things),
- geometric explanation for what happens with ridge, lasso, and elastic net in the [very common in practice] case of correlated features;
- guided derivation of when the penalty forms and constraint forms of regularization are equivalent, using Lagrangian duality (in homework), proof of the representer theorem with simple linear algebra,
- independent of kernels, but then applied to kernelize linear methods;
- a general treatment of backpropagation (you’ll find a lot of courses present backprop in a way that works for standard multilayer perceptrons, but don’t tell you how to handle parameter tying, which is what you have in CNNs and all sequential models (RNNs, LSTMs, etc.);
- in the homework you’d code neural networks in a computation graph framework written from scratch in numpy;
- well, basically every major ML method we discuss is implemented from scratch in the homework.
Source: copied from www
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