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Last active September 28, 2021 04:46
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Write env variables from Appcenter with secrets into .env file
# Get all variables and write to .env
printf "Creating an .env file with the following whitelist:\n"
printf "%s\n\n" $ENV_WHITELIST
set | egrep -e $ENV_WHITELIST | egrep -v "^_" | egrep -v "WHITELIST" > .env
printf "\n.env created with contents:\n"
cat .env
# copy firebase config files
if [[ "$APPCENTER_BRANCH" == "master" || "$APPCENTER_BRANCH" =~ 'release' ]];
cp -fr ./configuration/production/GoogleService-Info.plist ./ios
cp -fr ./configuration/production/google-services.json ./android/app
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