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is power

Thomas tschwaerzl

is power
  • Karlsruhe, Germany, EU
  • 04:15 (UTC +01:00)
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say-kaj /
Last active October 5, 2021 15:49
SetUp my mobile Raspberry

Up, up and away

A RasPi ToGo environment, works with any mobile system (even phone) as well as with my MacBook. Initial thought really was to have something Kubernetes to use as demo in meetings or talks. So far this is a Kubernetes with WiFi accesspoint. I'll take this gist to track my experiences with this :)

Hardware used

brandonaaskov / jQuery Change Event: Proper Binding
Created January 11, 2012 21:34
jQuery's change() event doesn't work as expected with input text fields. This, however, does work.
For some reason, the change() event only fires when the input field loses focus.
Binding to other options ('change keypress paste focus textInput input') will
fire the event several times, which is bad. The below code works even when
content is pasted into the text field, and only fires once as expected.
$('#search-form .term').bind('input', function(){
console.log('this actually works');