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Created September 30, 2012 01:24
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Simplistic press release boilerplate for apps

## AppName vX.X does something interesting

AppName vX.X is on the App Store now, and features the following very interesting feature. This is a summary, so I'm focusing on the lead. Just something to make me want to read the rest. Done.

City, State/Country - [Company/Developer] has released AppName vX.X, available in the Mac App Store. AppName is/does [broad, general strokes]. [A few more specific points about who it's for and why it's of benefit to them].

New features!

- The most intriguing feature specific to this update of AppName
- If it's been updated for recent technology improvements, include that
- Additional unique features. 
- *Touting that you added features that the competition already has leaves a bad taste. Stick with what makes AppName unique.*
- *They don't need to know you "improved performance" unless there was a widely known bug affecting a majority of customers and you fixed it. It's not a selling point to potential new customers, it's a turnoff to know that there was performance that needed improvement to the point that it made your press release.*

[Afterthoughts and additional detail, if needed.]

Customers have been saying... [share some customer feedback. It's ok to brag a little.]

AppName is $99.99 in the Mac App Store. Feel free to request a promo code from DEVELOPER ([email protected]). [Always list the price and contact info. Having to "click to see price" is annoying no matter where you are].

AppName website:  
AppName vX.X changelog:  
AppName on the Mac App Store:  

#### About Company/Developer

A brief bio about your company or yourself. One paragraph.

- - -

For interviews or further information contact:  
Joe Developer, COMPANY  
Phone: +1 (XXX)-XXX-XXXX  
Email: [email protected]  

skype/aim/github/twitter: appname
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