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Last active September 11, 2019 14:09
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# Touch, make executable and start editing a new script
# $ newscript
# edit default shebangs within the function
# include additional skeleton files as [extension].txt
# in the $defaults_txt folder defined in config
newscript() {
# Config
# where your scripts are stored
local scriptdir=~/scripts/
# if no extension is provided, default to
local default_ext=rb
# optional, where skeleton scripts (e.g. rb.txt) are stored
local defaults_txt=~/.newscript_defaults/
# End config
local filename="${scriptdir%/}/$1"
if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then # no argument, display help and exit
echo -e "newscript: touch, make executable and \
start editing a new script.\n\033[31;1mError:\033[37;1m Missing filename\033[0m\n\n\
Usage: mynewscript SCRIPT_NAME.ext\n"
return 1
# get the extension from the filename
# if there's no extenstion, add default
if [[ $ext == $filename ]]; then
# if no script with this name already exists
if [ ! -f $filename ]; then
# create a file for the given extension with appropriate shebang
case $ext in
rb ) echo -e "#!/usr/bin/env ruby" >> $filename;;
py ) echo -e "#!/usr/bin/env python" >> $filename;;
pl ) echo -e "#!/usr/bin/env perl" >> $filename;;
sh | bash ) echo -e "#!/bin/bash" >> $filename;;
zsh | bash ) echo -e "#!/bin/zbash" >> $filename;;
* ) touch $filename;; # any other extension create blank file
# if skeleton files directory and a txt for the given extension exist
if [[ -d ${defaults_txt%/} && -f ${defaults_txt%/}/$ext.txt ]]; then
# concatenate it to the file
cat ${defaults_txt%/}/$ext.txt >> $filename
# Add trailing newline to the new script
echo -ne "\n" >> $filename
# Make it executable
chmod a+x "$filename"
echo -e "\033[32;1m$filename\033[0m"
else # Specified filename already exists
echo -e "\033[31;1mFile exists: $filename\033[0m"
# Edit the script
$EDITOR "$filename"
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