Annotating my python code with type annotations (for the magnificent mypy), I had to do stuff like this:
find . -type f -iname \* | while read ANS ; do
cat "$ANS" | \
sed 's/def OnBasic(\([^,:]*\), \([^,:]*\), \([^,:]*\)):$/def OnBasic(\1: str, \2: AsnBasicNode, \3: AST_Leaftypes) -> None:/' | \
sed 's/def OnChoice(\([^,:]*\), \([^,:]*\), \([^,:]*\)):$/def OnChoice(\1: str, \2: AsnChoice, \3: AST_Leaftypes) -> None:/' | \
sed 's/def OnSequence(\([^,:]*\), \([^,:]*\), \([^,:]*\)):$/def OnSequence(\1: str, \2: AsnSequenceOrSet, \3: AST_Leaftypes) -> None:/' | \
sed 's/def OnSet(\([^,:]*\), \([^,:]*\), \([^,:]*\)):$/def OnSet(\1: str, \2: AsnSequenceOrSet, \3: AST_Leaftypes) -> None:/' | \
sed 's/def OnSequenceOf(\([^,:]*\), \([^,:]*\), \([^,:]*\)):$/def OnSequenceOf(\1: str, \2: AsnSequenceOrSetOf, \3: AST_Leaftypes) -> None:/' | \
sed 's/def OnSetOf(\([^,:]*\), \([^,:]*\), \([^,:]*\)):$/def OnSetOf(\1: str, \2: AsnSequenceOrSetOf, \3: AST_Leaftypes) -> None:/' | \
sed 's/def OnEnumerated(\([^,:]*\), \([^,:]*\), \([^,:]*\)):$/def OnEnumerated(\1: str, \2: AsnEnumerated, \3: AST_Leaftypes) -> None:/' \
> /tmp/foo && mv /tmp/foo "$ANS"
Fun! (for various definitions of "fun").
On a more serious note - worth it. Found many bugs after I annotated with types.