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Forked from jnozzi/NSURL+FavoritesList.h
Created November 6, 2015 18:49
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NSURL category that provides a simple way to append a fileURL to the end of favorite items or favorite volumes list used in the side bars seen in Finder and the open and save dialog boxes.
// NSURL+FavoritesList.h
// FavoritesListTester
// Appends the URL to the end of the Favorite Items or Favorite Volumes list
// (found in the side bar of Finder windows and open/save dialogs, etc.)
// Notes:
// 1. Must be a file URL.
// 2. Appends only (no insert at top for simplicity).
// 3. Compatible back to Mac OS X 10.5.
// 4. Due to Finder bugs over the years, this category doesn't bother
// allowing for setting custom icons/names; it just uses the default Finder
// icon and file name for simplicity.
// Created by Joshua Nozzi on 6/23/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Joshua Nozzi. All rights reserved.
// Released under BSD license (this notice must be retained if redistributed).
// No guarantees made. Use at your own risk.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface NSURL (FavoritesList)
- (BOOL)appendToFavoriteItemsList;
- (BOOL)appendToFavoriteVolumesList;
// NSURL+FavoritesList.m
// Appends the URL to the end of the Favorite Items or Favorite Volumes list
// (found in the side bar of Finder windows and open/save dialogs, etc.)
// Notes:
// 1. Must be a file URL.
// 2. Appends only (no insert at top for simplicity).
// 3. Compatible back to Mac OS X 10.5.
// 4. Due to Finder bugs over the years, this category doesn't bother
// allowing for setting custom icons/names; it just uses the default Finder
// icon and file name for simplicity.
// Created by Joshua Nozzi on 6/23/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Joshua Nozzi. All rights reserved.
// Released under BSD license (this notice must be retained if redistributed).
// No guarantees made. Use at your own risk.
#import "NSURL+FavoritesList.h"
@implementation NSURL (FavoritesList)
- (BOOL)appendToFavoriteItemsList {
return [self appendToList:kLSSharedFileListFavoriteItems];
- (BOOL)appendToFavoriteVolumesList {
return [self appendToList:kLSSharedFileListFavoriteVolumes];
- (BOOL)appendToList:(CFStringRef)list {
// Pessimism ...
BOOL result = NO;
// Do we have a file URL?
if (self.isFileURL) {
// Ask CoreServices for the favorite items list
LSSharedFileListRef listRef = LSSharedFileListCreate(NULL, list, NULL);
if (listRef) {
// We've got the list, so try to append our item
LSSharedFileListItemRef itemRef = LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL(listRef,
(__bridge CFURLRef)self,
// Did it work?
if (itemRef) {
// Release the item and flag success
result = YES;
// Release the list
return result;
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