docker pull && \
docker run --rm -it -v ${HOME}/.config/gcloud:/root/.config/gcloud \ /bin/bash
Based on commit ca96371e4d2d2176e8b2c3f5b656b5d92973479e
Purpose: To check the current version. It should be version 301.0.0
or higher. My version was Google Cloud SDK 336.0.0
gcloud version
Purpose: Initialize or reinitialize gcloud.
gcloud init
Purpose: To authenticate.
gcloud auth login
Purpose: To set the compute region.
gcloud config set compute/region us-west1
Changed to:
gcloud config set compute/region australia-southeast1
Note: If you enter an invalid region:
# gcloud config set compute/region invalid
Updated property [compute/region].
WARNING: invalid is not a valid region. Run `gcloud compute regions list`to get all regions.
Purpose: To set the compute zone.
gcloud config set compute/zone us-west1-c
Changed to:
gcloud config set compute/zone australia-southeast1-a
Purpose: To get cfssl
and cfssljson
wget -q --show-progress --https-only --timestamping \ \
Changed to:
apt-get update
apt-get install -y wget jq sudo
CFSSL_VERSION=$(curl | grep -o "[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*")
wget -q --show-progress --https-only --timestamping \
"${CFSSL_VERSION}/cfssl_${CFSSL_VERSION}_linux_amd64" \
mv cfssl_${CFSSL_VERSION}_linux_amd64 cfssl
mv cfssljson_${CFSSL_VERSION}_linux_amd64 cfssljson
Purpose: To make the downloaded files to be executable.
chmod +x cfssl cfssljson
Purpose: To move the executable files to a directory in the PATH.
sudo mv cfssl cfssljson /usr/local/bin/
Purpose: To verify we have cfssl
version >= 1.4.1
cfssl version
Purpose: To verify we have cfssljson
version >= 1.4.1
cfssljson --version
Purpose: To get kubectl
version >= 1.18.6
chmod +x kubectl
sudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin/
Changed to:
wget "$(curl -L -s"
chmod +x kubectl
mv kubectl /usr/local/bin/
Purpose: To verify kubectl
version >= 1.18.6
kubectl version --client
Provisioning Compute Resources
Purpose: To create a network named kubernetes-the-hard-way
. The --subnet-mode custom
is for manual settings.
gcloud compute networks create kubernetes-the-hard-way --subnet-mode custom
Purpose: To create a subnet
in the kubernetes-the-hard-way
gcloud compute networks subnets create kubernetes \
--network kubernetes-the-hard-way \
Purpose: To allow all instances in the same network to talk to each other.
gcloud compute firewall-rules create kubernetes-the-hard-way-allow-internal \
--allow tcp,udp,icmp \
--network kubernetes-the-hard-way \
This will be added later on. I want to know the port numbers and I don't know where we got
Purpose: To allow external connections to the instances.
gcloud compute firewall-rules create kubernetes-the-hard-way-allow-external \
--allow tcp:22,tcp:6443,icmp \
--network kubernetes-the-hard-way \
I don't want public ssh access. There is no mention why we need port 6443
Purpose: To see the firewall rules.
gcloud compute firewall-rules list --filter="network:kubernetes-the-hard-way"
We should see no rules.
Purpose: To allocate a static public IP.
gcloud compute addresses create kubernetes-the-hard-way \
--region $(gcloud config get-value compute/region)
Purpose: To list the newly created static public IP.
gcloud compute addresses list --filter="name=('kubernetes-the-hard-way')"
Purpose: To create 3 controllers
for i in 0 1 2; do
gcloud compute instances create controller-${i} \
--async \
--boot-disk-size 200GB \
--can-ip-forward \
--image-family ubuntu-2004-lts \
--image-project ubuntu-os-cloud \
--machine-type e2-standard-2 \
--private-network-ip${i} \
--scopes compute-rw,storage-ro,service-management,service-control,logging-write,monitoring \
--subnet kubernetes \
--tags kubernetes-the-hard-way,controller
- I don't want
Update #1
If there is no
, we get a Debian box. With--image-project
only, we get:ERROR: (gcloud.compute.instances.create) Must specify either [--image] or [--image-family] when specifying [--image-project] flag.
only, we get:ERROR: (gcloud.compute.instances.create) Could not fetch resource:
. The--image-family
specifies the group and--image-project
specifies the item in the group.
Changing it to:
for i in 0 1 2; do
gcloud compute instances create controller-${i} \
--machine-type e2-standard-2 \
--private-network-ip${i} \
--subnet kubernetes \
--tags kubernetes-the-hard-way,controller
gcloud compute firewall-rules create kubernetes-the-hard-way-allow-external \
--allow tcp:22 \
--network kubernetes-the-hard-way \
gcloud compute firewall-rules list --filter="network:kubernetes-the-hard-way" --format=json | jq ".[0].sourceRanges"
EXTERNAL_IP=$(gcloud compute ssh controller-0 --command="tail -20 /var/log/auth.log" | grep "Accepted" | grep -o "[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" | tail -1)
echo "External IP is ${EXTERNAL_IP}"
gcloud compute firewall-rules update kubernetes-the-hard-way-allow-external \
--allow tcp:22 \
--source-ranges ${EXTERNAL_IP}/32
gcloud compute firewall-rules list --filter="network:kubernetes-the-hard-way" --format=json | jq ".[0].sourceRanges"
gcloud compute ssh controller-0 --command="cat /etc/os-release"
Purpose: To create 3 workers
for i in 0 1 2; do
gcloud compute instances create worker-${i} \
--async \
--boot-disk-size 200GB \
--can-ip-forward \
--image-family ubuntu-2004-lts \
--image-project ubuntu-os-cloud \
--machine-type e2-standard-2 \
--metadata pod-cidr=10.200.${i}.0/24 \
--private-network-ip${i} \
--scopes compute-rw,storage-ro,service-management,service-control,logging-write,monitoring \
--subnet kubernetes \
--tags kubernetes-the-hard-way,worker
Changed to:
for i in 0 1 2; do
gcloud compute instances create worker-${i} \
--can-ip-forward \
--machine-type e2-standard-2 \
--metadata pod-cidr=10.200.${i}.0/24 \
--private-network-ip${i} \
--subnet kubernetes \
--tags kubernetes-the-hard-way,worker
Purpose: To list all 6 compute nodes
gcloud compute instances list --filter="tags.items=kubernetes-the-hard-way"
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete kubernetes-the-hard-way-allow-external
gcloud compute instances delete worker-0 worker-1 worker-2
gcloud compute instances delete controller-0 controller-1 controller-2
gcloud compute addresses delete kubernetes-the-hard-way
gcloud compute networks subnets delete kubernetes
gcloud compute networks delete kubernetes-the-hard-way
Start again at: Original code #13