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tueda / shachk
Created March 1, 2025 07:28
Script to check SHA sums for the files in the current directory. #bin #sh
# @file shachk
# Check SHA sums for the files in the current directory.
set -eu
set -o pipefail
tueda / git-latest
Created December 26, 2024 03:45
List branches sorted by commit dates. #bin #bash #git
# List branches sorted by commit dates.
# Usage:
# git latest [--all|--tags]
set -eu
set -o pipefail


curl -s | bash -s -- 20.04 mpich
code = """
for i in range(100):print(i%3//2*"Fizz"+i%5//4*"Buzz"or-~i)

quote = '"'

import base64
import sys
import zlib
import time
import ray
delay = 0.01
context = ray.init()
num_cpus = ray.available_resources()["CPU"]
def busy_wait(duration):
set -eu
set -o pipefail
show_containers() {
local RED='\033[0;31m'
local GREEN='\033[0;32m'
local YELLOW='\033[1;33m'
local NOCOLOR='\033[0m'
tueda / CheckAnswer.excel.lambda.txt
Last active July 28, 2024 11:37
Lambda function that compares specified cells, returning a score if they match. #excel #lambda
=LAMBDA(answerCell, correctAnswerCell, scoreCell,
IF(answerCell = "",
IF(OR(scoreCell = "", scoreCell = "&"),
LET(Z, LAMBDA(f, LET(g, LAMBDA(x, f(LAMBDA(v, LET(xx, x(x), xx(v))))), g(g))),
countRightAmpersands, Z(LAMBDA(countRightAmpersands, LAMBDA(cell,
LET(right, Offset(cell, 0, 1),
IF(right = "&",
countRightAmpersands(right) + 1,
tueda /
Last active June 26, 2024 02:41
On Ubuntu 20.04, the GCD computation in Singular 4.4.0 is occasionally very slow.
chmod +x

Ubuntu 20.04

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/workspace ubuntu:20.04
./configure --prefix=$HOME/opt/vim --enable-python3interp --enable-cscope
make test
make install
#define SIZE "5"
*#include- include/color.h
#define RANK "6"
* The file with all the declarations for running color traces.
* The variable RANK tells how many Adjoint invariants of how many
* non-adjoint invariants can occur simultaneously. For 14 vertices
* this number is maximally 4 (4 loops in a non-adjoint representation)
* Note: One needs version 3 of FORM to run this.