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Created January 21, 2025 01:52
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Save tukachev/0c4542b67334085cf3fc8461ab97f984 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. API using R
# Sys.setenv("YA_TOKEN" = "") # your token
get_sharing_url <- function(article_url) {
token <- Sys.getenv("YA_TOKEN")
if (is.null(token) || token == "") {
stop("YA_TOKEN is empty, please set the environment variable")
endpoint <- ''
data <- list(article_url = article_url)
headers <- c('Authorization' = paste0('OAuth ', token))
response <- httr::POST(endpoint,
body = data,
encode = "json",
status_code <- httr::status_code(response)
if (status_code != 200) {
stop("Error: ", status_code)
res <- httr::content(response, "parsed")
sharing_url <- res$sharing_url
#> get_sharing_url('')
#[1] ""
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