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Created January 7, 2022 13:50
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* Class holding the context of the [Action] emitted that is being split out into
* a [Mutation] [Flow].
* Use typically involves invoking [type] to identify the [Action] stream being transformed, and
* subsequently invoking [flow] to perform a custom transformation on the split out [Flow].
data class TransformationContext<Action : Any>(
private val type: Action,
val backing: Flow<Action>
) {
* A convenience for the backing [Flow] of the [Action] subtype from the parent [Flow]
inline val <reified Subtype : Action> Subtype.flow: Flow<Subtype>
get() = backing as Flow<Subtype>
* the first [Action] of the specified type emitted from the parent [Flow]
fun type() = type
* Transforms a [Flow] of [Action] to a [Flow] of [Mutation] of [State], allowing for finer grained
* transforms on subtypes of [Action]. This allows for certain actions to be processed differently
* than others. For example: a certain action may need to only cause mutations on distinct
* emissions, whereas other actions may need to use more complex [Flow] transformations like
* [Flow.flatMapMerge] and so on.
* [transform]: a function for mapping independent [Flow]s of [Action] to [Flow]s of [State]
* [Mutation]s
* @see [splitByType]
fun <Action : Any, State : Any> Flow<Action>.toMutationStream(
// Ergonomic hack to simulate multiple receivers
transform: TransformationContext<Action>.() -> Flow<Mutation<State>>
): Flow<Mutation<State>> = splitByType(
selector = { it },
transform = transform
* Transforms a [Flow] of [Input] to a [Flow] of [Output] by splitting the original into [Flow]s
* of type [Selector]. Each independent [Flow] of the [Selector] type can then be transformed
* into a [Flow] of [Output].
* [selector]: The mapping to the type the [Input] [Flow] should be split into
* [transform]: a function for mapping independent [Flow]s of [Selector] to [Flow]s of [Output]
fun <Input : Any, Selector : Any, Output : Any> Flow<Input>.splitByType(
selector: (Input) -> Selector,
// Ergonomic hack to simulate multiple receivers
transform: TransformationContext<Selector>.() -> Flow<Output>
): Flow<Output> =
channelFlow<Flow<Output>> mutationFlow@{
val keysToFlowHolders = mutableMapOf<String, FlowHolder<Selector>>()
.collect { item ->
val mapped = selector(item)
val flowKey = mapped::class.qualifiedName
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Only well defined classes can be split")
when (val existingHolder = keysToFlowHolders[flowKey]) {
null -> {
val holder = FlowHolder(mapped)
keysToFlowHolders[flowKey] = holder
val emission = TransformationContext(mapped, holder.exposedFlow)
val mutationFlow = transform(emission)
else -> {
// Wait for downstream to be connected
existingHolder.internalSharedFlow.subscriptionCount.first { it > 0 }
concurrency = Int.MAX_VALUE,
transform = { it }
fun <State : Any> Flow<Mutation<State>>.reduceInto(initialState: State): Flow<State> =
scan(initialState) { state, mutation -> mutation.mutate(state) }
* Container for representing a [Flow] of a subtype of [Action] that has been split out from
* a [Flow] of [Action]
private data class FlowHolder<Action>(
val firstEmission: Action,
) {
val internalSharedFlow: MutableSharedFlow<Action> = MutableSharedFlow()
val exposedFlow: Flow<Action> = internalSharedFlow.onStart { emit(firstEmission) }
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