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Last active January 7, 2019 04:02
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Use click to colorize cli output
import click
all_colors = 'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', \
'cyan', 'white', 'bright_black', 'bright_red', \
'bright_green', 'bright_yellow', 'bright_blue', \
'bright_magenta', 'bright_cyan', 'bright_white'
def cli():
"""This script prints some colors. If colorama is installed this will
also work on Windows. It will also automatically remove all ANSI
styles if data is piped into a file.
Give it a try!
for color in all_colors:
click.echo('I am colored %s' % color, fg=color))
for color in all_colors:
click.echo('I am colored %s and bold' % color,
fg=color, bold=True))
for color in all_colors:
click.echo('I am reverse colored %s' % color, fg=color,
click.echo('I am blinking', blink=True))
click.echo('I am underlined', underline=True))
click.secho('hello from secho()', fg='red')
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