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Last active February 21, 2017 07:00
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Save turowicz/e7746a9c035356f9483d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Apple Swift strong type object serialization to JSON
import XCTest
class Person:Serializable{
var Name : String
var Surname : String
var Animals : Array<Animal>
init(Name:String, Surname:String) {
self.Name = Name
self.Surname = Surname
self.Animals = Array<Animal>()
class Animal:Serializable {
var Nickname : String
var Kind : String
init(Nickname : String, Kind : String) {
self.Nickname = Nickname
self.Kind = Kind
class SerializationTests: XCTestCase {
func test_serialization_works() {
var john = Person(Name: "John", Surname: "Doe")
john.Animals.append(Animal(Nickname: "Fluffy", Kind: "Dog"))
john.Animals.append(Animal(Nickname: "Purry", Kind: "Cat"))
println(john.toJson()) //will give binary data to include in HTTP Body
println(john.toJsonString()) //will give the exact string in JSON
var expected = "{\"Surname\":\"Doe\",\"Name\":\"John\",\"Animals\":[{\"Kind\":\"Dog\",\"Nickname\":\"Fluffy\"},{\"Kind\":\"Cat\",\"Nickname\":\"Purry\"}]}";
XCTAssertEqual(john.toJsonString(), expected,"")
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Firstly, this is awesome.

Just a couple of things I'd like to point out (modifications):

  1. On line 38, propValue.base64Encoding() seems to be deprecated and caused me compiler errors. Changed it out for: propValue.base64EncodedStringWithOptions(NSDataBase64EncodingOptions.Encoding64CharacterLineLength)
  2. To prevent recursion errors, the following condition was added before line 29:
let kWeakVariableProperty = "W"
var propTypes = NSString(UTF8String:property_getAttributes(property)).componentsSeparatedByString(",") as [String]

if contains(propTypes, kWeakVariableProperty) {

That way, the same anti-cyclical referencing logic in Swift will prevent cyclical serialization of properties (leading to stack overflow)
3) Had to add NSDate serialization support on line 39:

else if propValue is NSDate
    var date = propValue as NSDate
    let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = "Z"
    var dateString = NSString(format: "/Date(%.0f000%@)/", date.timeIntervalSince1970, dateFormatter.stringFromDate(date))
    propertiesDictionary.setValue(dateString, forKey: propName)

All the credit for these ideas go to Porter Hoskins

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I get line 20:

UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_property_t>' is not convertible to 'UnsafePointer<objc_property_t>

So I changed to UnsafeMutablePointer

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hey guys sorry for not responding - been away for some time, will update the formatter to the most recent version later today - thanks for the input!

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updated the code to my latest code base - will look into your points in the afternoon

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elecay commented Sep 11, 2014

Please be aware of this:

An Int is a Bool and a Bool is a Int according to Swift. The same for Float and Double

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Do you need release UnsafePointers? it doesn't have auto-release engine

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Can you please add support for enumerations?
What are you considering the best way at the moment in Swift for deserializing the JSON back to a new object?

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Any ideas to get optional properties like: var myNumber : Double?

This would allow a value to exist or not exist as happens in json...

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For those of you who want a standard ISO8601 date format, change the date transformation lines to use this:

dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS"
propertiesDictionary.setValue(dateFormatter.stringFromDate(date), forKey: propName)

@ziogaschr, I'm needing the same thing. The problem is that class_copyPropertyList(aClass, &propertyCount) doesn't return enum type properties. Not sure why:

enum SeedType: Int {
    case Seedless = 0
    case Seeds = 1
    case Pit = 2

class Fruit : NSObject {
    var name = "Apple"
    var id = 7
    var date = NSDate()
    var seedType = SeedType.Seeds
    var parentFruit:Fruit?

var fruit = Fruit()
fruit.parentFruit = Fruit()

var propertyCount : CUnsignedInt = 0
let propertiesInAClass : UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_property_t> = class_copyPropertyList(fruit.dynamicType, &propertyCount)
println("property count: \(propertyCount)")

Results in:

property count: 4

The serialization result being:


This means that the enum property is getting skipped for some reason. I'm not sure how to get around that.


The answer is because "class_copyPropertyList only shows properties that are exposed to the Objective-C runtime" Source

So, it looks like this approach will not work for swift enums and optional value-types until Apple changes something.

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@albertbori I have searched a bit on this topic too and finally I reached to same conclusion as you. :(

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} else if propValue is NSNumber {
                propertiesDictionary.setValue((propValue as Float), forKey: propName!)

is missing

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@elecay made a good point regarding datatypes which no-one seems to have addressed. Any non-zero int value is returned as true. As a quick fix for now I've added the NSNumber line by @odemolliens and move bool down in the order of execution so it effectively never gets hit until I can write something to counter the problem.

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In order to compile it from latest XCode, 2 changes are needed:

1 Change "propertiesInAClass" from UnsafePointer to UnsafeMutablePointer
2 Either force unwrap the propName, or use "if let" and wrap line 27 - line 49 in the "if let" block

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that's awesome, I've been using reflection to get the type of value, i did not expect that can use setValue... Thank u

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I've updated the code with my latest implementation.

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Tomorrow I will convert it to a github repo so we all can contribute

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LDMFD commented Mar 19, 2015

Did you make the github repo? Seems like a good opportunity to merge all the suggestions.

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brduca commented Apr 9, 2015

Awesome job! I'll probably try to do something like that for querystrings. Would it be helpful somehow?

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Pinny3 commented Apr 12, 2015

Great work - is there any way to do a deserialization also?

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Nonouf commented Apr 14, 2015

@turowicz nice work, it saves me a great time. You just forgot the type Int, Double and Float. Here is the code changed :

public func toDictionary() -> NSDictionary {
        var aClass : AnyClass? = self.dynamicType
        var propertiesCount : CUnsignedInt = 0
        let propertiesInAClass : UnsafeMutablePointer<objc_property_t> = class_copyPropertyList(aClass, &propertiesCount)
        var propertiesDictionary : NSMutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary()

        for var i = 0; i < Int(propertiesCount); i++ {
            var property = propertiesInAClass[i]
            var propName = NSString(CString: property_getName(property), encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)!
            var propType = property_getAttributes(property)
            var propValue : AnyObject! = self.valueForKey(propName);

            if propValue is Serializable {
                propertiesDictionary.setValue((propValue as Serializable).toDictionary(), forKey: propName)
            } else if propValue is Array<Serializable> {
                var subArray = Array<NSDictionary>()
                for item in (propValue as Array<Serializable>) {
                propertiesDictionary.setValue(subArray, forKey: propName)
            } else if propValue is Double {
                propertiesDictionary.setValue((propValue as Double), forKey: propName)
            } else if propValue is Int {
                propertiesDictionary.setValue((propValue as Int), forKey: propName)
            } else if propValue is Float {
                propertiesDictionary.setValue((propValue as Float), forKey: propName)
            } else if propValue is NSData {
                propertiesDictionary.setValue((propValue as NSData).base64EncodedStringWithOptions(nil), forKey: propName)
            } else if propValue is Bool {
                propertiesDictionary.setValue((propValue as Bool).boolValue, forKey: propName)
            } else {
                propertiesDictionary.setValue(propValue, forKey: propName)

        // class_copyPropertyList retaints all the

        return propertiesDictionary

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@ALL we should turn it into a pod - I'll make a repo later

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Moved to

Please submit your pull request @nono67

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