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Last active July 29, 2024 03:13
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Verify HMAC in PHP
define("SHARED_SECRET", "sup3rs3cr3t!!");
if(!function_exists('hash_equals')) {
function hash_equals($str1, $str2) {
// Run constant-time comparison for PHP < 5.6 which doesn't support hmac_equals
$str1_len = strlen($str1);
$str2_len = strlen($str2);
// Calculate XOR
$diff = $str1_len ^ $str2_len;
for($x = 0; $x < $str1_len && $x < $str2_len; $x++) {
$diff |= ord($str1[$x]) ^ ord($str2[$x]);
return $diff === 0;
function verifySignature($string_to_verify, $signature, $shared_secret) {
return hash_equals(hash_hmac("sha512", $string_to_verify, $shared_secret), $signature);
function verifyTime($decoded_json) {
$j = json_decode($decoded_json, true);
if(time() - $j['timestamp'] > 30) {
throw new Exception('Timestamp too far in the past');
return $j;
$url = '[QUERYSTRING]';
$query_components = array();
$query = parse_str(parse_url($url)['query'], $query_components);
$decoded_signature = base64_decode($query_components['signature']);
$decoded_json = base64_decode($query_components['data']);
if (verifySignature($decoded_json, $decoded_signature, SHARED_SECRET) !== false) {
echo "Valid signature\n";
# Verify timestamp
$payload = verifyTime($decoded_json);
echo "Timestamp verified\n";
} else {
echo "Invalid signature\n";
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