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Forked from steinfletcher/traverse.js
Last active July 30, 2024 00:40
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Object tree traversal in javascript (with lodash)
var data = {
"name": "root",
"contents": [
"name": "A",
"contents": [
"name": "fileA1",
"contents": []
"name": "B",
"contents": [
"name": "dirB1",
"contents": [
"name": "fileBB1",
"contents": []
"name": "fileB1",
"contents": []
function traverse(obj) {
_.forIn(obj, function (val, key) {
console.log(key, val);
if (_.isArray(val)) {
val.forEach(function(el) {
if (_.isObject(el)) {
if (_.isObject(key)) {
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alexleventer commented Jun 29, 2017

const traverse = obj => {
  _.forOwn(obj, (val, key) => {
    if (_.isArray(val)) {
      val.forEach(el => {
    } else if (_.isObject(val)) {
    } else {
      // do something with leaf node

I came up with this, which is a little different. Am I missing something?

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eldoy commented Apr 29, 2018

Pure javascript solution:

const traverse = (obj) => {
  for (let k in obj) {
    if (obj[k] && typeof obj[k] === 'object') {
    } else {
      // Do something with obj[k]

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YuriGor commented Oct 29, 2018

_.eachDeep(obj, (value, key, path, depth, parent, parentKey, parentPath) => {

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Hey man, thanks for the traversal algorithm, the pure javascript one. It really helped a lot!

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jzabala commented Nov 9, 2019

Pure javascript solution:

const traverse = (obj) => {
  for (let k in obj) {
    if (obj[k] && typeof obj[k] === 'object') {
    } else {
      // Do something with obj[k]

Thanks @fugroup .

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fabioricali commented Jul 26, 2020

const traverse = (obj) => {
for (let k in obj) {
if (obj[k] && typeof obj[k] === 'object') {
} else {
// Do something with obj[k]

const traverse = (obj) => {
    for (let k in obj) {
        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(k) && obj[k] && typeof obj[k] === 'object') {
        } else {
            // Do something with obj[k]

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hpl002 commented Nov 26, 2020

Pure JS function to execute callback on every match

  async deepTraversal(obj, pKey, callback) {
    Object.keys(obj).forEach((vKey) => {
      if (vKey === pKey) {
      if (typeof obj[vKey] === "object") {

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iterate is not defined. deepTraversal perhaps .... otherwise there is no recursion ;)

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serg06 commented Aug 22, 2021

Here's a funny one which works for serializable/deserializable types:

function traverse(obj, f) {
    return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj), f);

JSON.parse calls f on every key-value pair, and what you return is what the new value will be.

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Here's a funny one which works for serializable/deserializable types:

function traverse(obj, f) {
    return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj), f);

JSON.parse calls f on every key-value pair, and what you return is what the new value will be.


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drecdroid commented May 16, 2023

export const DELETE = Symbol('DELETE');

 * Traverse an object and apply a transformation function to each value. 
 * The transformation function is called with the value, the key and the key path.
 * The transformation function can return a new value or the same value. 
 * If the transformation function returns a new value, the value in the object is replaced with the new value.
 * The transformation function can return an object.
 * If the transformation function returns an object, the object is traversed as well.
 * Warning: The transformation could loop infinitely if it always returns an object.
 * @param obj  { object } - the object to traverse
 * @param transform { (value: unknown, key: string, keyPath: string) => unknown } - a function that transforms the value, the key and the key path
export async function traverse(obj, transform) {
     * @type { object[] }
    const objectStack = [obj];

     * @type { string[] }
    const keysStack = []

    while (objectStack.length > 0) {
        const obj = objectStack.pop();
        if (obj) {
            for (const key in obj) {
                const keyPath = keysStack.join('.');
                const value = obj[key];
                const transformed = transform(value, key, keyPath);

                if(transformed === DELETE){
                    delete obj[key];

                if (transformed !== value) {
                    obj[key] = transformed;

                if (typeof transformed === 'object' && transformed !== null) {
                } else {

 * Traverse an object and apply a transformation function to each value. 
 * The transformation function is called with the value, the key and the key path.
 * The transformation function can return a new value or the same value. 
 * If the transformation function returns a new value, the value in the object is replaced with the new value.
 * The transformation function can return an object.
 * If the transformation function returns an object, the object is traversed as well.
 * The transformation function can return a promise.
 * If the transformation function returns a promise, the promise is awaited and the resolved value is used.
 * Warning: The transformation could loop infinitely if it always returns an object.
 * @param obj { object } - the object to traverse
 * @param transform { (value: unknown, key: string, keyPath: string) => unknown | Promise<unknown> } - a function that transforms the value, the key and the key path
 * @returns
export async function traverseAsync(obj, transform) {
     * @type { object[] }
    const objectStack = [obj];

     * @type { string[] }
    const keysStack = []

    while (objectStack.length > 0) {
        const obj = objectStack.pop();
        if (obj) {
            for (const key in obj) {
                const keyPath = keysStack.join('.');
                const value = obj[key];

                const awaitedValue = await value;

                const transformed = await transform(awaitedValue, key, keyPath);
                if(transformed === DELETE){
                    delete obj[key];

                if(value !== transformed){
                    obj[key] = transformed;

                if (typeof transformed === 'object' && transformed !== null) {
                } else {

const obj = { a: 1, b: { c: [{ a: 2 }, { d: 20}] } }

traverse(obj, (value, key, keyPath) => {
    if(keyPath === 'a'){
        return DELETE;

    return value


const asyncObj = { a: 1, b: { c: Promise.resolve([{ a: 2 }]) } }

traverseAsync(asyncObj, (value, key, keyPath) => {
    if(keyPath === 'a'){
        return DELETE;

    return value
}).then(() => {

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