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Last active January 23, 2023 23:45
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Setting up AngularJS dev env for Ubuntu

Setting up AngularJS dev env for Ubuntu

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Installing nodeJS and npm

Installing npm

Installing nodeJS

Setting up environment for AngularJS

###Required tools for faster development and testing in angular

  • Yoeman generator for angular js
  • GruntJS for automatic build testing
  • Bower for managing packages

Installing yoeman, grunt and bower

  • npm install -g yo
  • npm install -g generator-angular
  • npm install -g bower grunt (-g signifies global scope)

Creating your App scaffolding

This will initialize a directory with Angular development environment.

  • mkdir myApp && cd myApp
  • yo angularThe command will ask for many options.

If everything is successful then you will see Gruntfile.js, app/, bower_components/, bower.json, node_modules, test/.

In bower.json change name and moduleName. Also set the same name in app/scripts/app.js at angular.module('{name}') and in app/views/index.html at ng-app="{name}".

Working with your app

  • To add controllers/services yo angular:controller/service {controller_name}.
  • To add angular modules bower install --save {module name}. Will work only if module supports installation with bower.
  • To run your app in browser grunt serve.

For more details read this article

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Good Tut. Thanks All!

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Raziel422 commented Dec 2, 2017

Good tutorial! :D also the ng-app="{name}" is insideindex.html located in in the path app/.

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Thanks... This was helpful

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