Install Android App Termux from APKPure or AppStore. If the app exists, just delete and re-install it to get the latest version, The APK can be downloaded from Install the APK using by running
adb install ~/Downloads/
Then locate the app and run it
Next, run the following commands inside the Termux using the on device keyboard to type. When the setup asks for permission, always choose default option, you can just hit/tap enter on the keyboard, dont let it modify any configs
pkg install root-repo
pkg upgrade
pkg install openssh
Now, set a password for the current user by running passwd
, remember this password you will need it later
Then, Start the SSH server inside by running sshd
, do not close/exit the app after running the command
On the pc terminal run the following, dont use root@
as prefix to the ip address
ssh <ip address of android device> -p 8022
When asked for password, enter the password you used in the steps above
This will drop you into a shell where you can do further installs using pkg install <name>
or run any other command you would like wget, curl
you get a proper linux shell, sweet, enjoy!
Once you are done working with the shell, stop the ssh server by running pkill sshd
on the device
If for some odd reason you are getting Host key verification failed error, run the following first
ssh-keygen -R <ip address of android device>
If it still gives you trouble edit ~/.ssh/known_hosts
, locate the line(s) with the ip address and delete it and
then connect again
There are instances when the pc to android ip connection will wait a long time. If so, first check if you can ping the android's ip address, and if its not pingable, perhaps reboot the android device. Stating the obvious here, unless the android cant be pinged you cant ssh into it.
Extracted from Termux's wiki on this topic from here [] it describes alternate ways using Dropbear, Mosh and RSync