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Last active April 13, 2024 04:02
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Policy Iteration in Python
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
import numpy as np
1: Procedure Policy_Iteration(S,A,P,R)
2: Inputs
3: S is the set of all states
4: A is the set of all actions
5: P is state transition function specifying P(s'|s,a)
6: R is a reward function R(s,a,s')
7: Output
8: optimal policy π
9: Local
10: action array π[S]
11: Boolean variable noChange
12: real array V[S]
13: set π arbitrarily
14: repeat
15: noChange ←true
16: Solve V[s] = ∑s'∈S P(s'|s,π[s])(R(s,a,s')+γV[s'])
17: for each s∈S do
18: Let QBest=V[s]
19: for each a ∈A do
20: Let Qsa=∑s'∈S P(s'|s,a)(R(s,a,s')+γV[s'])
21: if (Qsa > QBest) then
22: π[s]←a
23: QBest ←Qsa
24: noChange ←false
25: until noChange
26: return π
states = [0,1,2,3,4]
actions = [0,1]
N_STATES = len(states)
N_ACTIONS = len(actions)
P = np.zeros((N_STATES, N_ACTIONS, N_STATES)) # transition probability
R = np.zeros((N_STATES, N_ACTIONS, N_STATES)) # rewards
P[0,0,1] = 1.0
P[1,1,2] = 1.0
P[2,0,3] = 1.0
P[3,1,4] = 1.0
P[4,0,4] = 1.0
R[0,0,1] = 1
R[1,1,2] = 10
R[2,0,3] = 100
R[3,1,4] = 1000
R[4,0,4] = 1.0
gamma = 0.75
# initialize policy and value arbitrarily
policy = [0 for s in range(N_STATES)]
V = np.zeros(N_STATES)
print "Initial policy", policy
# print V
# print P
# print R
is_value_changed = True
iterations = 0
while is_value_changed:
is_value_changed = False
iterations += 1
# run value iteration for each state
for s in range(N_STATES):
V[s] = sum([P[s,policy[s],s1] * (R[s,policy[s],s1] + gamma*V[s1]) for s1 in range(N_STATES)])
# print "Run for state", s
for s in range(N_STATES):
q_best = V[s]
# print "State", s, "q_best", q_best
for a in range(N_ACTIONS):
q_sa = sum([P[s, a, s1] * (R[s, a, s1] + gamma * V[s1]) for s1 in range(N_STATES)])
if q_sa > q_best:
print "State", s, ": q_sa", q_sa, "q_best", q_best
policy[s] = a
q_best = q_sa
is_value_changed = True
print "Iterations:", iterations
# print "Policy now", policy
print "Final policy"
print policy
print V
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for policy evaluation and policy iteration, do you need to do policy iteration after policy evaluation reach convergence?

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love you my guy, helped me to solve my assignment

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