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Created March 19, 2017 11:06
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#! /usr/bin/env python
import os
import re
import git
categories = [
'usertools', # bin, usr.bin
'kernel', # sys
'systemtool', # sbin, usr.sbin, libexec
'contrib', # contrib
'crypto', # crypto
'doc', # doc
'etc', # etc, share
'games', # games
'gnu', # gnu
'lib', # lib
'nrelease', # nrelease
'tools' # test, tools
changelog = dict()
previous = 'origin/DragonFly_RELEASE_4_6'
current = 'origin/DragonFly_RELEASE_4_8'
# Set a commit in a specific category and add it to the
# changelog dictionary
def parse_commit(commit):
global categories
catg = dict.fromkeys(categories, 0)
topcat = dict()
assert commit.message != ''
for files, changes in commit.stats.files.iteritems():
if files.startswith('bin/') or files.startswith('usr.bin/'):
catg['usertools'] += 1
elif files.startswith('sys/'):
catg['kernel'] += 1
elif files.startswith('sbin/') or files.startswith('usr.sbin/'):
catg['systemtool'] += 1
elif files.startswith('contrib/'):
catg['contrib'] += 1
elif files.startswith('crypto/'):
catg['crypto'] += 1
elif files.startswith('doc/'):
catg['doc'] += 1
elif files.startswith('etc/') or files.startswith('share/') and 'man' not in files:
catg['etc'] += 1
elif files.startswith('games/'):
catg['games'] += 1
elif files.startswith('gnu/'):
catg['gnu'] += 1
elif files.startswith('lib/'):
catg['lib'] += 1
elif files.startswith('nrelease/'):
catg['nrelease'] += 1
elif files.startswith('test/') or files.startswith('tools/'):
catg['tools'] += 1
for cat, occur in catg.iteritems():
if not topcat:
topcat = { cat: occur }
key = topcat.iteritems().next()[0]
if topcat[key] < catg[cat]:
del topcat[key]
topcat.update({ cat: occur })
key = topcat.iteritems().next()[0]
if not key in changelog:
changelog[key] = dict()
changelog[key].update({ commit.hexsha: commit.message.splitlines()[0] })
# --------------------------
repo = git.Repo('/home/antonioh/s/dragonfly')
for commit in repo.iter_commits('%s..%s' %(previous, current)):
for category, msg in sorted(changelog.iteritems()):
print 'Category:', category
for commitid, cmsg in changelog[category].iteritems():
print '\t ', commitid, cmsg
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