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Last active April 7, 2021 19:39
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Print call-tree in ASCII usig Ocular
// -----------
// Suchakra Sharma <[email protected]> (2019)
// Prints the complete call-tree with all possible branches starting from the top of the input method. It is recommended to increase
// the max steps per query to a higher number (eg. "config.query.maxStepsPerCallQuery = 1000000L") for better results.
// Example Usage:
// ocular> import $file.scripts.calltree
// ocular> calltree.printCallTree("org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.multipart.JakartaMultiPartRequest.parse:void(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,java.lang.String)")
def printCallTree(callerFullName : String ) {
var dashCount = 0
var lastCallerMethod = callerFullName
var lastDashCount = 0
def findCallee(methodName: String) {
var calleeList = cpg.method.fullNameExact(methodName).callee.whereNot(".*<operator>.*")).l
var callerNameList = cpg.method.fullNameExact(methodName).caller.fullName.l
if (callerNameList.contains(lastCallerMethod) || (callerNameList.size == 0)) {
dashCount = lastDashCount
} else {
lastDashCount = dashCount
lastCallerMethod = methodName
dashCount += 1
calleeList foreach { c =>
print(printDashes(dashCount) + c.fullName + "\n")
def printDashes(count: Int) = {
var tabStr = "|__"
var i = 0
while (i < count) {
tabStr = " " + tabStr
i += 1
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tuxology commented Apr 7, 2021

Updated filterNot to whereNot to account for API changes

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