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Created July 21, 2020 13:32
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Reduced Radix Schoolbook Multiplication modulo p
fn mul(self, rhs: &'b FieldElement5x52) -> FieldElement5x52 {
const LOW_52_BIT_MASK: u128 = (1 << 52) - 1;
const LOW_48_BIT_MASK: u128 = (1 << 48) - 1;
const R: u128 = 0x1000003D10; // R = 2^256 mod p
fn m(x: u64, y: u64) -> u128 { (x as u128) * (y as u128) }
let a: &[u64; 5] = &self.0;
let b: &[u64; 5] = &rhs.0;
// Schoolbook multiplication
let mut l0: u128 = m(a[0], b[0]);
let mut l1: u128 = m(a[0], b[1]) + m(a[1], b[0]);
let mut l2: u128 = m(a[0], b[2]) + m(a[1], b[1]) + m(a[2], b[0]);
let mut l3: u128 = m(a[0], b[3]) + m(a[1], b[2]) + m(a[2], b[1]) + m(a[3], b[0]);
let mut mid: u128 = m(a[0], b[4]) + m(a[1], b[3]) + m(a[2], b[2]) + m(a[3], b[1]) + m(a[4], b[0]);
let mut h0: u128 = m(a[1], b[4]) + m(a[2], b[3]) + m(a[3], b[2]) + m(a[4], b[1]);
let mut h1: u128 = m(a[2], b[4]) + m(a[3], b[3]) + m(a[4], b[2]);
let mut h2: u128 = m(a[3], b[4]) + m(a[4], b[3]);
let mut h3: u128 = m(a[4], b[4]);
// Setup for arithmetic
let mut out = [0u64; 5];
let mut carry: u128 = 0;
// The idea is we multiply the high bits with R and add it to the low bits.
// Then we set the carries for each with the the high bits beyond the limb.
// c*2^156
l3 += (h3 & LOW_52_BIT_MASK) * R;
out[3] = (l3 & LOW_52_BIT_MASK) as u64;
h3 >>= 52;
l3 >>= 52;
// c*2^208
mid += ((l3 as u64) as u128) + (((h3 as u64) as u128) * R);
out[4] = ((mid & LOW_52_BIT_MASK) & LOW_48_BIT_MASK) as u64;
carry = (mid & LOW_52_BIT_MASK) >> 48;
mid >>= 52;
// c*2^0
h0 += ((mid as u64) as u128);
l0 += (((((h0 & LOW_52_BIT_MASK) << 4) | carry) as u64) as u128) * (((R as u64) >> 4) as u128);
out[0] = (l0 & LOW_52_BIT_MASK) as u64;
h0 >>= 52;
l0 >>= 52;
// c*2^52
h1 += ((h0 as u64) as u128);
l1 += (((l0 as u64) as u128)) + ((h1 & LOW_52_BIT_MASK) * R);
out[1] = (l1 & LOW_52_BIT_MASK) as u64;
h1 >>= 52;
l1 >>= 52;
// c*2^104
h2 += ((h1 as u64) as u128);
l2 += ((l1 as u64) as u128) + ((h2 & LOW_52_BIT_MASK) * R);
out[2] = (l2 & LOW_52_BIT_MASK) as u64;
h2 >>= 52;
l2 >>= 52;
// c*2^156
l3 = ((l2 as u64) as u128) + (((h2 as u64) as u128) * R) + out[3] as u128;
out[3] = (l3 & LOW_52_BIT_MASK) as u64;
l3 >>= 52;
// c*2^208
out[4] = (((l3 as u64) as u128) + out[4] as u128) as u64;
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