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Last active May 3, 2020 11:36
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Generate the weights/offsets for an efficient two-pass Gaussian blur filter of different sizes.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Generate the weights/ offsets for an efficient two-pass Gaussian blur filter of different sizes.
# Based on:
# Usage: ./gaussian [epsilon]
require "bigdecimal/util"
EPSILON = Float(ARGV[0] || 0.05)
@cache = {}
def row(n)
@cache[n] ||= (n == 0 ? [1] : [1, *row(n - 1).each_cons(2).map(&:sum), 1])
last_size = 0
1_000_000.times do |row_number|
next if row_number.odd?
row = row(row_number)
sum = row.sum
peak = row[row.size / 2].to_d / sum
# Remove weights that make negligible difference to the output image.
row = row.reject { |n| n.to_d / sum < peak * EPSILON }
sum = row.sum
# If we've already seen a row of this size, skip those that are more truncated.
next if row.size == last_size
last_size = row.size
midpoint = row.size / 2
next if midpoint.odd?
weights_d = { |n| n.to_d / sum }[midpoint..]
offsets_d = (0..midpoint).map(&:to_d)
break if weights_d[0] == 0 # Precision limit reached
weights_l = weights_d[1..].each_slice(2).map(&:sum)
offsets_l = offsets_d[1..].each_slice(2).map do |t1, t2|
numerator = offsets_d[t1] * weights_d[t1] + offsets_d[t2] * weights_d[t2]
denominator = weights_d[t1] + weights_d[t2]
numerator / denominator
puts "offsets_l: #{}"
puts "weights_l: #{}"
puts "texture reads per pixel: #{weights_d.size}"
puts "effective kernel size: #{row.size}"
puts "pascal's triangle row: #{row_number}"
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