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Created December 29, 2019 10:56
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def vector_to_coordinates(distance, angle_in_degrees)
angle_in_radians = angle_in_degrees * Math::PI / 180
x = (distance * Math.cos(angle_in_radians)).round
y = (distance * Math.sin(angle_in_radians)).round
[x, y]
require "test/unit"
class TestVectorConversion < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_vector_to_coordinates
assert_equal [10, 0], vector_to_coordinates(10, 0)
assert_equal [0, 10], vector_to_coordinates(10, 90)
assert_equal [-10, 0], vector_to_coordinates(10, 180)
assert_equal [7, 7], vector_to_coordinates(10, 45)
assert_equal [9, 5], vector_to_coordinates(10, 30)
assert_equal [7, -7], vector_to_coordinates(10, -45)
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