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Created April 19, 2018 07:19
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// On iPhone and iPod Touch we add a nice dynamic 3D parallax effect by
// updating the perspective origin depending on device tilt.
if (/iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform) && 'ondevicemotion' in window) {
;(function() {
var value,
element = $('div.doors ul').get(0),
values = {x: [0,0,0], y: [0,0,0]}, // Keep the 3 most recent values.
index = 0,
choices = { // Lookup table to normalize based on device orientation.
x: {'0': ['x', -1], '90': ['y', 1], '180': ['x', 1], '-90': ['y', -1]},
y: {'0': ['y', 1], '90': ['x', 1], '180': ['y', -1], '-90': ['x', -1]}
// The devicemotion event is triggered at regular intervals, so this code
// is optimized to be fast rather than elegant.
window.ondevicemotion = function(event) {
// Get the device tilt and normalize its value to match the current
// orientation of the device.
values.x[index] = event.accelerationIncludingGravity[choices.x[window.orientation][0]] * choices.x[window.orientation][1]
values.y[index] = event.accelerationIncludingGravity[choices.y[window.orientation][0]] * choices.y[window.orientation][1]
if (index == 3)
index = 0
// Average the 3 most recent values and create the css value string.
value = (50 + ((values.x[0] + values.x[1] + values.x[2]) / 3 * 10)) + '%' + (50 + ((values.y[0] + values.y[1] + values.y[2]) / 3 * 10)) + '%'
// Update the perspective origin based on the device tilt around the x
// and y axis. = value = value
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