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Created December 20, 2011 17:09
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Save tvwerkhoven/1502341 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
look up phonetic spelling Apple's through DictionaryServices
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@file -- lookup entries in the Mac dictionary
@author Tim van Werkhoven
@date 20111220
@copyright Copyright (c) 2011 Tim van Werkhoven
Use DictionaryServices to look up words in Apple's
Loosely based on work by Alex Kontsevoy, see <>
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike
license versions 3.0 or higher, see
import DictionaryServices
import re
import unittest
import os, sys
# Define some contants
AUTHOR = "Tim van Werkhoven <[email protected]>"
DATE = "20111220"
def main():
## First check if we need tests (do this before argparse because otherwise we might run into conflicts)
if ('--test' in sys.argv):
print "Bypassing regular program, running tests now!"
# Remove '--test' string from sys.argv, keep all others
sys.argv = [el for el in sys.argv if el not in ['--test']]
return unittest.main()
## Parse arguments check options
(parser, args) = parsopts()
remlist = "',.:;\"\n’"
if (args.infile):
if (VERBOSITY > 1): print "main(): args.infile"
fd = open(args.infile, "r")
for line in fd.xreadlines():
if (VERBOSITY > 2): print "main(): line = %s" % (line)
for i in remlist:
line = line.replace(i, "")
if (VERBOSITY > 2): print "main(): procline = %s" % (line)
for word in line.split(" "):
print dict_IPA(word),
if (VERBOSITY > 1): print "main(): else branch"
for word in args.words:
print dict_IPA(word),
def dict_IPA(word):
"""Given a word, return the pronunciation in IPA"""
# Pre-process
word = word.strip()
if (len(word) < 1):
# Lookup word
if (VERBOSITY > 1): print "dict_IPA(word = %s)" % (word)
entry = DictionaryServices.DCSCopyTextDefinition(None, word, (0,len(word) ))
if (not entry):
return "n/a"
if (VERBOSITY > 2): print "dict_IPA(): %s" % (entry)
# Find word within entry, IPA should be the next line
# #IPA_beg = entry.index(word+"\n") + len(word) + 1
# IPA_beg ="\s*\d*\s*\n", entry, re.IGNORECASE)
# if (not IPA_beg and word[-1] == "s"):
# if (VERBOSITY > 2): print "dict_IPA(): word[-1] == s"
# IPA_beg =[:-1]+".\s*\d*\s*\n", entry, re.IGNORECASE)
# if (IPA_beg):
# IPA_beg = IPA_beg.end()
# else:
# return
# #IPA_beg2 ="\n|.*|\n", entry[IPA_beg1:]).end() + IPA_beg1
IPA_beg = entry.index("\n") + 1
IPA_end = entry.index("\n", IPA_beg)
if (VERBOSITY > 2): print "dict_IPA(): %d -- %d" % (IPA_beg, IPA_end)
# Extract IPA, remove vertical bars
IPA = entry[IPA_beg+1:IPA_end-1]
if (VERBOSITY > 2): print "dict_IPA(): %s" % (IPA)
return IPA
def parsopts():
"""Parse program options, check sanity and return results"""
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Lookup words from Apple's You can change the language by opening's preferences and only enabling the dictionary you want to use.", epilog='Comments & bugreports to %s' % (AUTHOR))
parser.add_argument('words', metavar='W', type=str, nargs='*', default=[],
help='words to lookup.')
parser.add_argument('--infile', metavar='F', type=str,
help='read words from F.')
parser.add_argument('-v', dest='debug', action='append_const', const=1,
help='increase verbosity')
parser.add_argument('-q', dest='debug', action='append_const', const=-1,
help='decrease verbosity')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Check & fix some options
checkopts(parser, args)
# Return results
return (parser, args)
def checkopts(parser, args):
"""Check program options sanity"""
if (args.infile):
if (not os.path.exists(args.infile)):
print "Error: infile does not exist!"
elif (not os.path.isfile(args.infile)):
print "Warning: infile is not a regular file!"
elif (not len(args.words)):
print "Error: need at least one word or an input file"
if (args.debug):
VERBOSITY = sum(args.debug)
print "checkopts(): verbosity: %d" % (VERBOSITY)
### Tests start here
class TestWords(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
"""Make list of words"""
self.words = [u"worse", u"pronunciation", u"Terpsichore"]
self.ipa_uk = [u"wəːs", u"prənʌnsɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n", u"təːpˈsɪkəri"]
self.ipa_us = [u"wərs", u"prəˌnənsiˈeɪʃən", u"tərpˈsɪkəri"]
# Explore environment / settings
def test0a_detect_lang(self):
"""Detect which dictionary we are using (US or UK)"""
if (dict_IPA("worse").strip() == u"wərs"):
self.lang = "US"
print "Got US dictionary"
elif (dict_IPA("worse").strip() == u"wəːs"):
self.lang = "UK"
print "Got UK dictionary"
raise RuntimeError("Unknown dictionary language!")
# Static tests
def test1a_ipa(self):
"""Test pre-defined words for pronunciation"""
this_ipa = self.ipa_uk
print self.lang
if (self.lang == "US"):
this_ipa = self.ipa_us
for word, ipa in zip(self.words, this_ipa):
testipa = dict_IPA(word).strip()
print u"%s=%s" % (testipa, ipa)
self.assertEqual(dict_IPA(word).strip(), ipa)
# This must be the final part of the file, code after this won't be executed
if __name__ == "__main__":
### Scratch space here
print dict_IPA("worse")
print dict_IPA("pronunciation")
print dict_IPA("Terpsichore")
print dict_IPA("Terpsichore")
### EOF
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