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Last active July 8, 2024 02:20
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Migrate a Cloud Run custom domain to Cloud Load Balancing

Migrate a Cloud Run custom domain to Cloud Load Balancing

This guide was compiled from the following references:

Create DNS authorization

gcloud certificate-manager dns-authorizations create AUTHORIZATION_NAME \
gcloud certificate-manager certificates describe AUTHORIZATION_NAME

Create a Google-managed certificate referencing the DNS authorization

gcloud certificate-manager certificates create CERTIFICATE_NAME \
  --domains=DOMAIN_NAME --dns-authorizations=AUTHORIZATION_NAME
gcloud certificate-manager certificates describe CERTIFICATE_NAME

Create a certificate map

gcloud certificate-manager maps create CERTIFICATE_MAP_NAME

gcloud certificate-manager maps entries create CERTIFICATE_MAP_ENTRY_NAME \
  --certificates=CERTIFICATE_NAME \
gcloud certificate-manager maps entries describe CERTIFICATE_MAP_ENTRY_NAME \

Reserve an external IP address

gcloud compute addresses create EXTERNAL_IP_NAME \
  --network-tier=PREMIUM \
  --ip-version=IPV4 \

Create the service backends

gcloud compute backend-services create BACKEND_NAME \
  --load-balancing-scheme=EXTERNAL_MANAGED \
  --timeout=70 \

gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups create NEG_NAME \
  --region=us-central1 \
  --network-endpoint-type=serverless \
gcloud compute backend-services add-backend BACKEND_NAME \
  --network-endpoint-group=NEG_NAME \
  --network-endpoint-group-region=us-central1 \

Create the load balancer

gcloud compute url-maps create LB_NAME \
  --default-service BACKEND_NAME
gcloud compute target-https-proxies create TARGET_HTTPS_PROXY_NAME \
  --certificate-map=CERTIFICATE_MAP_NAME \
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create HTTPS_FORWARDING_RULE_NAME \
  --load-balancing-scheme=EXTERNAL_MANAGED \
  --network-tier=PREMIUM \
  --address=EXTERNAL_IP_NAME \
  --target-https-proxy=TARGET_HTTPS_PROXY_NAME \
  --global \

Update SSL policy

gcloud compute target-https-proxies update TARGET_HTTPS_PROXY_NAME \
gcloud compute target-https-proxies update TARGET_HTTPS_PROXY_NAME \
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