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Last active July 18, 2022 21:42
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Publishing a package from a file to a private GitHub Maven repository

Publishing a package from a file to a private GitHub Maven repository

Add your credentials to ~/.m2/settings.xml

Where token is your personal access token.

<settings xmlns=""

Publish your existing package using the mvn command-line tool

$ mvn deploy:deploy-file \
      -Dfile=/path/to/file.aar \
      -DpomFile=/path/to/file.pom \
      -DrepositoryId=github \

(optional) In your Gradle project

Add your maven credentials to your project like you would for any other password protected package registry.

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven {
        url ''
        credentials {
            username = project.findProperty("mvn.github.user") ?: System.getenv("USERNAME")
            password = project.findProperty("mvn.github.token") ?: System.getenv("TOKEN")

Note: The Gradle Maven plugin doesn't read from settings.xml so configuring a profile with a repository in ~/.m2/settings.xml won't do any good: gradle/gradle#1236

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