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Last active August 21, 2021 21:18
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Team Project Tips- slack pr messages

Slack Communications: Pull Requests

  • when you have open a pr, send a slack message that links to the pr, and use the :pr-open: emoji at the beginning of the message
  • x out any unfolded links so the slack message does not take up a ton of space with previews
  • if you are reviewing someone's pr, react to the message with the 👀 emoji
  • when you have reviewed AND approved a pr, react to the slack message with the ✅ emoji
  • if you reviewed the pr BUT have requested changes or require answers to questions, react to the slack message with the ❓ emoji
  • when you merge a pr, react to the slack message with the :merged: emoji
  • do not sit on your prs, if they aren't being reviewed in a timely manner, ping your teammates
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