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Pairin Top 4

What is your greatest strength and how do you know?

My greatest strength is my desire to be of use to people. This is a trait that is often mutually beneficial, as I derive personal satisfaction from it and, by definition, it is useful to others. I know this because I can see measurable positive impact on the environments I exist in, and because it is able to be confirmed by people other than myself. It is also useful because it can help motivate me to accomplish things that would otherwise be daunting.

How do you work best?

I work best when working on something that is of interest to me outside of for the sake of doing it. Other factors that help me do my best are: relatively quiet workspaces, small group collaborations, not being hungry (seriously, being hungry is so distracting!), and taking breaks periodically. It's also helpful to have resources available for reference in case I hit

Project Feedback

Name: Taija

Partner: Jonathan

Project Reflection

  • What is one thing that went unusually well during this project?

Project Feedback

Name: Taija

Partner: Michael

Project Reflection

  • What is one thing that went unusually well during this project?

Partner: Alex

Project Reflection

  • What is one thing that went unusually well during this project?

    • This was the lowest stress project I've been on. Super happy with how things went and the pacing.
  • In hindsight, is there anything you would have done differently?

Partner: Dan

Project Reflection

  • What is one thing that went unusually well during this project?

    • This was the lowest stress project I've been on. Super happy with how things went and the pacing.
  • In hindsight, is there anything you would have done differently?

twarbelow /
Created August 26, 2020 14:41 — forked from tomas-stefano/
Capybara cheatsheet

Capybara Actions

# Anchor
click_link 'Save'

# Button
click_button 'awesome'

# Both above
twarbelow /
Last active August 21, 2021 21:18
Team Project Tips- slack pr messages

Slack Communications: Pull Requests

  • when you have open a pr, send a slack message that links to the pr, and use the :pr-open: emoji at the beginning of the message
  • x out any unfolded links so the slack message does not take up a ton of space with previews
  • if you are reviewing someone's pr, react to the message with the 👀 emoji
  • when you have reviewed AND approved a pr, react to the slack message with the ✅ emoji
  • if you reviewed the pr BUT have requested changes or require answers to questions, react to the slack message with the ❓ emoji
  • when you merge a pr, react to the slack message with the :merged: emoji
  • do not sit on your prs, if they aren't being reviewed in a timely manner, ping your teammates