I hereby claim:
- I am twglomski on github.
- I am tglom (https://keybase.io/tglom) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASDmynpJx4AmIy9JTw-LoC9LL3iFkNNmXymtxqqbaUroDgo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
Git is good at grabbing entire repositories, but what if you just want a single file in a private repo? This snippet, given a path, will grab a download url for a given file, then download it. | |
Prereqs: | |
1. You have a personal access token saved as github_access_token.key. To get a personal access token, go here: https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line/ | |
2. jq is installed (On ubuntu: apt-get install jq) | |
Replace the path of "PrivateOrg/PrivateRepo" with the path to the private repo of your choice, and "/subfolder/targetfile.py" with the file path to the desired file inside the private repo. | |
curl -H "Authorization: token $(cat github_access_token.key)" $(curl -H "Authorization: token $(cat github_access_token.key)" https://api.github.com/repos/PrivateOrg/PrivateRepo/contents/subfolder/targetfile.py | jq '.download_url' -r) |
aioli | |
almond | |
anchochili | |
anchovy | |
apple | |
artichoke | |
arugula | |
asparagus | |
avacado | |
babaganoush |