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Last active March 21, 2017 12:50
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VGG Deep Face in python
import caffe
import numpy as np
img = "ak.png" )
img = img[:,:,::-1]*255.0 # convert RGB->BGR
avg = np.array([129.1863,104.7624,93.5940])
img = img - avg # subtract mean (numpy takes care of dimensions :)
img = img.transpose((2,0,1))
img = img[None,:] # add singleton dimension
net = caffe.Net("VGG_FACE_deploy.prototxt","VGG_FACE.caffemodel", caffe.TEST)
out = net.forward_all( data = img )
caffe_fc8 = net.blobs['fc8'].data[0]
r2 = np.argmax(caffe_fc8)
names = open('names.txt')
names = names.readlines()
print names[r2]
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