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Last active December 11, 2021 09:13
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android gradle change output apk file name.
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
println "*********" + variant.description + "**********";
def variants = variant.baseName.split("-");
def apkName = "ricebook-";
apkName += variants[0];
apkName += "-v" + android.defaultConfig.versionName;
if (!variant.zipAlign) {
apkName += "-unaligned";
if ( == "release") {
apkName += "-RELEASE.apk";
} else {
apkName += "-SNAPSHOT.apk";
println "*********" + "$project.buildDir/apk/" + apkName + "**********";
variant.outputFile = file("$project.buildDir/apk/" + apkName)
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nelo686 commented Oct 27, 2015

Where do you place this piece of code inside build.grade? Because I tried inside buildTypes and inside each build type (debug, release, ...) and always there is something that AS doesn't recognize.

If I place it inside a build type, such as debug, AS doesn't recognize applicationVariants and defaultConfig, but if I place it inside buldTypes, AS doesn't recognize any attribute from variants (like description, baseName, zipAlign, buildType and outputFile) and defaultConfig.

Can you help me?

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android {


buildTypes {
    release {
        minifyEnabled false
        proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
productFlavors {
    world {
        versionName "world"
    local {
        versionName "local"

applicationVariants.all { variant ->
    println("Iterating variant: " + variant.getName());

    if (variant.getName().contains("world")) {
        variant.buildConfigField "String", "URL_API_PATH", '"http://..."'
    } else {
        variant.buildConfigField "String", "URL_API_PATH", '"http://192.168...."'
    variant.mergedFlavor.versionName = android.defaultConfig.versionName + "-" + variant.mergedFlavor.versionName;

    variant.outputs.each { output ->
        def apkName = "somename_" + android.defaultConfig.versionCode;

        if ("release"))
            apkName += "_" +;

        apkName += ".apk";
        println "*********" + "$project.buildDir/apk/" + apkName + "**********";
        output.outputFile = file("$project.buildDir/apk/" + apkName)


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