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An article about the Reader type (functor, applicative, and monad instances)
Okay, so I'll try and walk through the reader monad as best as I can. And
because I think it helps to de-mystify things a bit, I'll also go through
all of the "super classes" of monad: functor and applicative (because every
monad should also be an applicative and every applicative functor should be
a functor). This file is literate Haskell so you should just be able to
load it in the REPL or run it. It's also kinda/sorta markdown, so it should
render that way as well (but the code is formatted wrong).
> module Reader where
> import Text.Printf (printf)
This probably isn't clear right now, but the reader type is basically (or
_exactly_, I think) a partially applied function. It is a function from some
type `e` to some (possibly) other type, `a`. The type signature for something like
that is `e -> a` (because it takes some type `e` and then converts it to an
`a`). You can think of the type `e` as the wrapped read-only state, the `a` is
unspecified. To name this type and make it easier to work with, I'm going to use
`newtype` to wrap that function:
> newtype Reader e a = Reader { runReader :: e -> a }
All this says is that we're wrapping a function from `e` to `a`. Newtype
basically has the effect of defining two functions: `Reader` and `runReader`
which are inverses:
* `Reader :: (e -> a) -> Reader e a` - this _constructs_ a `Reader` value from
a function from `e -> a`
* `runReader :: Reader e a -> e -> a` - you can even fiddle with the
parentheses in the type signature to get this: `runReader :: Reader e a -> (e
-> a)` (because everything is curried in Haskell, `a -> b -> c` is the same as
`a -> (b -> c)`).
So those two type signatures are literally flipped versions of one another.
Now we have enough to write a `Functor` instance for `Reader`:
> instance Functor (Reader e) where
> fmap f mr = Reader (\r -> f (runReader mr r))
Technically, we're not done because we need to make sure that these laws hold
for our implementation:
1. `fmap id = id`
2. `fmap (g . f) = fmap g . fmap f`
...but I'll skip them for now.
To be really clear, `fmap` has the type `Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b`.
That means that it allows us to swap out the value that's "contained" in
some context... Those are scare quotes, because this is a pretty flimsy
meaning of _container_... it translates to something like "has an eventual
return value of." Here's what the types would look like:
fmap :: (a -> b) -> Reader e a -> Reader e b
So we're mapping over the second type in `Reader e a`, that's the _final
returned value_ rather than the _contained_ value (notice how the `e` isn't
used anywhere).
Next, we can write the instance for `Applicative`:
> instance Applicative (Reader e) where
> pure x = Reader (\_ -> x)
> rf <*> rx = Reader (\r -> (runReader rf r) (runReader rx r))
Here are what those two functions mean:
* `pure` - is a way of wrapping a value in a _minimal_ or _default_
applicative context. We can use this to "lift" values that would
otherwise not be applicative so that we can work with them.
* `<*>` - if I were to give a name to this function, it would be "apply".
The intuition is that we have a function wrapped in a Reader and we want
to apply it to a value wrapped in a Reader. The result is also wrapped in
Reader. This lets us knit together bigger functions:
> equation :: Int -> Int
> equation x = runReader (pure (*) <*> Reader (+2) <*> Reader (+1)) x
So this function essentially rewrites to this: `equation x = (x+2) * (x+1)`
That's contrived, but the idea is that `<*>` lets you apply a function of any
arity to a bunch of values "inside" Readers.
Now we're finally ready to tackle monad. So monad is just two more functions:
`return` and `>>=` or sometimes called "bind".
> instance Monad (Reader e) where
> return = pure
> mr >>= f =
> let
> step1 r = runReader mr r -- unwrap inner reader
> step2 r = f (step1 r) -- apply function to that value
> step3 r = runReader (step2 r) r -- unwrap outer reader
> in
> Reader (\r -> step3 r) -- package up resulting reader value
A more recent thing (a big refactor in the standard libs known as the
Applicative Monad Proposal or _AMP_) that many tutorials won't cover is
that `return` is now the same as `pure` from the Applicative typeclass. So
we get that for free. That leaves `>>=`. The idea of bind is to thread or
chain computations. I think it is clearer to break up the implementation
above into a few stages. It's also helpful to think of `runReader` as being
a function which "unwraps" a Reader, exposing the underlying value.
Because, remember:
runReader [some reader] [initial state] => [final result]
Starting with the innermost expression:
* `(runReader mr r) :: a` -- call this `step1`, we need to get a value that
we can call `f` on.
* `f step1 :: Reader e b` -- because from the definition of bind:
`(>>=) :: Reader e a -> (a -> Reader e b) -> Reader e b` we applied
`a -> Reader e b` to an `a`, yielding `Reader e b`. Call this value `step2`
* `runReader step2 r` -- this reduces to `b`, again by the definition of
The last thing that we need in order to work with readers comes from the
Monad Reader class. This is a function which can grab the underlying
read-only state so that we can work with it. I have to admit, that this is
one I'd never be able to come up with, but I think I can understand (I'm
not sure if there's a smarter way to figure this function out, I'm
definitely giving a _post hoc_ argument here):
The trick is to notice that Reader has a really funky type: `Reader :: (e -> a)
-> Reader e a` -- that first argument is just a function. If we could pass an
argument to `Reader` which would force the input to be the output, we could
gain access to the otherwise "hidden" state. There's just such a function, `id
:: a -> a`. Passing that to Reader leaves us with `Reader a a`! That means that
the result type (normally the `a`) _must_ be the same as the read-only state
type (what we`ve been calling `e`). That means we're left with a Reader which
will cough up the internal state. Here's the implementation:
> ask :: Reader a a
> ask = Reader id
I think that's pretty cool. We can use that to write `asks` really easily:
> asks :: (r -> a) -> Reader r a
> asks f = do
> x <- ask
> return (f x)
This is a handy function for calling an accessor function on the read-only
> data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int, email :: String }
> ageInNYears :: Int -> Reader Person Int
> ageInNYears n = do
> currentAge <- asks age
> return (currentAge + n)
> formatEmail :: Reader Person String
> formatEmail = do
> name' <- asks name
> email' <- asks email
> return (printf "\"%s\" <%s>" name' email')
> chris :: Person
> chris = Person "Chris Wilson" 34 "[email protected]"
> report :: Reader Person String
> report = do
> five <- ageInNYears 5
> mailto <- formatEmail
> let output = printf "Age in 5:\t%d\nEmail:\t\t%s" five mailto
> return output
> main :: IO ()
> main = putStrLn (runReader report chris)
A few nice things about this is that it provides a way to factor out what
would otherwise be redundant arguments to functions. The `Reader State
String` declares that it uses state `State` and computes a `String`. As
long as several different functions share the `State` part, we can combine
them into bigger computations (what `report` does when it uses
`ageInNYears` and `formatEmail`). I think it is nice because it very
clearly threads the state into the series of functions at one point. Here,
`main` is the only place that I have to pass in `chris`. In more
complicated applications, I'd almost certainly be doing IO to be able to
construct that `Person` value. It's nice to have that quarantined off in
one spot.
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That was very helpful. I had to fill in some extra notation, but you gave the foundation needed.

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twopoint718 commented May 25, 2023 via email

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