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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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Map of Flights Taken
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18,12))
# Plotting across the international dateline is tough. One option is to break up flights
# by hemisphere. Otherwise, you'd need to plot using a different projection like 'robin'
# and potentially center on the Int'l Dateline (lon_0=-180)
# flights = flights[(flights.startlon < 0) & (flights.endlon < 0)]# Western Hemisphere Flights
# flights = flights[(flights.startlon > 0) & (flights.endlon > 0)] # Eastern Hemisphere Flights
xbuf = 0.2
ybuf = 0.35
minlat = np.min([flights.endlat.min(), flights.startlat.min()])
minlon = np.min([flights.endlon.min(), flights.startlon.min()])
maxlat = np.max([flights.endlat.max(), flights.startlat.max()])
maxlon = np.max([flights.endlon.max(), flights.startlon.max()])
width = maxlon - minlon
height = maxlat - minlat
m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=minlon - width* xbuf,
llcrnrlat=minlat - height*ybuf,
urcrnrlon=maxlon + width* xbuf,
urcrnrlat=maxlat + height*ybuf,
lat_0=minlat + height/2,
lon_0=minlon + width/2,)
for idx, f in flights.iterrows():
m.drawgreatcircle(f.startlon, f.startlat, f.endlon, f.endlat, linewidth=3, alpha=0.4, color='b' )
m.plot(*m(f.startlon, f.startlat), color='g', alpha=0.8, marker='o')
m.plot(*m(f.endlon, f.endlat), color='r', alpha=0.5, marker='o' )
fig.text(0.125, 0.18, "Data collected from 2012-2014 on Android 4.2-4.4\nPlotted using Python, Basemap",
ha='left', color='#555555', style='italic')
fig.text(0.125, 0.15, "", color='#555555', fontsize=16, ha='left')
plt.savefig('flights.png', dpi=150, frameon=False, transparent=False, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.2)
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