package main |
import ( |
"flag" |
"fmt" |
"math/rand" |
"sync" |
"time" |
avalanche "github.com/tyler-smith/go-avalanche" |
) |
const ( |
nodeCount = 1e2 |
txCount = 1e4 |
) |
var ( |
networkNodes []*node |
loggingEnabled = true |
) |
func main() { |
logging := flag.Bool("logging", false, "Enable logging") |
flag.Parse() |
if logging != nil { |
loggingEnabled = *logging |
} |
// Create nodes |
networkNodes = make([]*node, nodeCount) |
for i := 0; i < nodeCount; i++ { |
networkNodes[i] = newNode(avalanche.NodeID(i), avalanche.NewConnman()) |
} |
// Create wg with a slot for each node |
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{} |
wg.Add(nodeCount) |
// Start node processing with wg to signal completion |
for i := 0; i < nodeCount; i++ { |
go networkNodes[i].run(wg) |
} |
t0 := time.Now() |
// Send txs to each node |
for _, t := range rand.Perm(txCount) { |
for i := 0; i < nodeCount; i++ { |
networkNodes[i].incoming <- &tx{hash: int64(t), isAccepted: true} |
} |
} |
// Stop all nodes |
for i := 0; i < nodeCount; i++ { |
close(networkNodes[i].incoming) |
} |
// Wait for all nodes to finish |
wg.Wait() |
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Finished in %fs", time.Now().Sub(t0).Seconds())) |
log("Nodes fully finalized: %d", nodesFullyFinalized) |
} |
func log(str string, args ...interface{}) { |
if loggingEnabled { |
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(str, args...)) |
} |
} |
type node struct { |
id avalanche.NodeID |
snowball *avalanche.Processor |
snowballMu *sync.RWMutex |
incoming chan (*tx) |
} |
func newNode(id avalanche.NodeID, connman *avalanche.Connman) *node { |
return &node{ |
id: id, |
snowball: avalanche.NewProcessor(connman), |
snowballMu: &sync.RWMutex{}, |
incoming: make(chan (*tx), 10), |
} |
} |
var nodesFullyFinalized = 0 |
func (n node) run(wg *sync.WaitGroup) { |
defer wg.Done() |
finalizedCount := 0 |
// HACK: figure out how to best signal event loop so it quits if and only if |
// we're done adding and all txs are finalized |
doneAdding := make(chan (struct{})) |
go func() { |
for t := range n.incoming { |
n.snowballMu.Lock() |
n.snowball.AddTargetToReconcile(t) |
n.snowballMu.Unlock() |
} |
close(doneAdding) |
}() |
<-doneAdding |
queries := 0 |
for i := 0; i < 1e8; i++ { |
nodeID := i % len(networkNodes) |
// Don't query ourself |
if nodeID == int(n.id) { |
continue |
} |
queries++ |
updates := []avalanche.StatusUpdate{} |
// Query node |
n.snowballMu.Lock() |
invs := n.snowball.GetInvsForNextPoll() |
n.snowballMu.Unlock() |
resp := networkNodes[nodeID].query(invs) |
// Register query response |
n.snowballMu.Lock() |
n.snowball.RegisterVotes(n.id, resp, &updates) |
n.snowballMu.Unlock() |
if len(updates) == 0 { |
continue |
} |
for _, update := range updates { |
if update.Status == avalanche.StatusFinalized { |
finalizedCount++ |
log("Finalized tx %d on node %d after %d queries", update.Hash, n.id, queries) |
} else if update.Status == avalanche.StatusAccepted { |
log("Accepted tx %d on node %d after %d queries", update.Hash, n.id, queries) |
} else if update.Status == avalanche.StatusRejected { |
log("Rejected tx %d on node %d after %d queries", update.Hash, n.id, queries) |
} else if update.Status == avalanche.StatusInvalid { |
log("Invalidated tx %d on node %d after %d queries", update.Hash, n.id, queries) |
} else { |
fmt.Println(update.Status == avalanche.StatusAccepted) |
panic(update) |
} |
} |
if finalizedCount >= txCount { |
nodesFullyFinalized++ |
return |
} |
} |
log("Limit exceeded") |
} |
func (n node) query(invs []avalanche.Inv) avalanche.Response { |
n.snowballMu.Lock() |
defer n.snowballMu.Unlock() |
votes := make([]avalanche.Vote, len(invs)) |
for i := 0; i < len(invs); i++ { |
t := &tx{hash: int64(invs[i].TargetHash), isAccepted: true} |
n.snowball.AddTargetToReconcile(t) |
var vote uint32 = 0 |
if !n.snowball.IsAccepted(t) { |
vote = 1 |
} |
votes[i] = avalanche.NewVote(vote, invs[i].TargetHash) |
} |
return avalanche.NewResponse(0, 0, votes) |
} |
// tx |
type tx struct { |
hash int64 |
isAccepted bool |
} |
func (t *tx) Hash() avalanche.Hash { return avalanche.Hash(t.hash) } |
func (t *tx) IsAccepted() bool { return t.isAccepted } |
func (*tx) IsValid() bool { return true } |
func (*tx) Type() string { return "tx" } |
func (*tx) Score() int64 { return 1 } |