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Last active May 24, 2018 06:24
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  • Save tyler-smith/1abd1f9cef43ed697dc5bb5ffe702614 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tyler-smith/1abd1f9cef43ed697dc5bb5ffe702614 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.


  • Install Go:
  • Install openbazaar-go: go get -u
  • Go to openbazaar-go directory: cd $GOPATH/src/
  • Run: go run openbazaard.go start -v
    • Takes a bit on first startup
    • You should see something like this:
________                      __________
\_____  \ ______   ____   ____\______   \_____  _____________  _____ _______
 /   |   \\____ \_/ __ \ /    \|    |  _/\__  \ \___   /\__  \ \__  \\_  __ \
/    |    \  |_> >  ___/|   |  \    |   \ / __ \_/    /  / __ \_/ __ \|  | \/
\_______  /   __/ \___  >___|  /______  /(____  /_____ \(____  (____  /__|
        \/|__|        \/     \/       \/      \/      \/     \/     \/

OpenBazaar Server v0.12.0
23:15:53.791 [CheckAndSetUlimit] [DEBUG] Successfully raised file descriptor limit to 32000
23:15:53.902 [Execute] [INFO] Peer ID:  QmWp3nuxjHiNCDXxSKy5Sj2EXovsm2bnUTGuufHBmFYwpG
23:15:53.903 [printSwarmAddrs] [INFO] Swarm listening on /ip4/
23:15:53.903 [printSwarmAddrs] [INFO] Swarm listening on /ip4/
23:15:53.903 [printSwarmAddrs] [INFO] Swarm listening on /ip4/
23:15:53.903 [printSwarmAddrs] [INFO] Swarm listening on /ip4/
23:15:53.903 [printSwarmAddrs] [INFO] Swarm listening on /ip6/::1/tcp/4001
23:15:53.903 [printSwarmAddrs] [INFO] Swarm listening on /ip6/::1/tcp/9005/ws
23:15:53.924 [newHTTPGateway] [INFO] Gateway/API server listening on /ip4/
23:16:13.903 [New] [INFO] OpenBazaar service running at /openbazaar/app/1.0.0
23:16:13.904 [func4] [INFO] Starting bitcoin cash spv wallet
  • Test API: curl localhost:4002/ob/peers
    • Should return array of peers ids


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