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Last active April 21, 2022 07:50
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Redis keyspace notification in Rust

Enable keyspace notifications

By default, keyspace events notifications are disabled. We can enable them in redis.conf or redis-cli as below:

$ redis-cli config set notify-keyspace-events KEA
$ OK  
extern crate redis;
fn listen_redis_notifications() -> redis::RedisResult<()> {
let client = try!(redis::Client::open("redis://"));
let mut pubsub = try!(client.get_pubsub());
loop {
let msg = try!(pubsub.get_message());
let payload : String = try!(msg.get_payload());
println!("Channel '{}': {}", msg.get_channel_name(), payload);
fn main() {
match listen_redis_notifications() {
Err(why) => panic!("{:?}", why),
Ok(t) => println!("ok: {:?}", t),
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