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Created December 19, 2018 01:59
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import defpackage.cxr;
import defpackage.cyl;
import defpackage.cyn;
import defpackage.dap;
import defpackage.daq;
import defpackage.das;
import defpackage.dat;
import defpackage.dav;
import defpackage.dax;
import defpackage.dbc;
import defpackage.dbd;
import defpackage.dbe;
import defpackage.dbf;
import defpackage.dbg;
import defpackage.dbh;
import defpackage.dbi;
import defpackage.dbj;
import defpackage.dbk;
import defpackage.dbl;
import defpackage.dbm;
import defpackage.dbo;
import defpackage.dbp;
import defpackage.dbr;
import defpackage.dbs;
import defpackage.dbt;
import defpackage.dbu;
import defpackage.dbv;
import defpackage.dbw;
import defpackage.dby;
import defpackage.dbz;
import defpackage.dca;
import defpackage.dcb;
import defpackage.dcd;
import defpackage.dcf;
import defpackage.dcg;
import defpackage.dcj;
import defpackage.dck;
import defpackage.dcl;
import defpackage.dcn;
import defpackage.dcp;
import defpackage.dcq;
import defpackage.dct;
import defpackage.dcu;
import defpackage.dcv;
import defpackage.dcz;
import defpackage.dda;
import defpackage.ddd;
import defpackage.dde;
import defpackage.ddf;
import defpackage.ddg;
import defpackage.ddj;
import defpackage.ddk;
import defpackage.ddl;
import defpackage.ddm;
import defpackage.ddn;
import defpackage.ddo;
import defpackage.ddp;
import defpackage.ddq;
import defpackage.ddr;
import defpackage.ddt;
import defpackage.hlg;
import java.util.Map;
import retrofit.client.Response;
import retrofit.http.Body;
import retrofit.http.DELETE;
import retrofit.http.GET;
import retrofit.http.Header;
import retrofit.http.Headers;
import retrofit.http.POST;
import retrofit.http.PUT;
import retrofit.http.Path;
import retrofit.http.Query;
import retrofit.http.QueryMap;
public interface RemoteAPIService {
public static final String BOUNDARY_ID = "boundaryId";
public static final String CONTACT_ID = "contactId";
public static final String HEADER_PUSH_REQUEST = "Push-Request";
public static final String INCLUDE_NOTIFICATIONS = "includeNotifications";
public static final String PATH_VIN = "vin";
dcu connect(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dat dat) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcu> connectRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dat dat);
hlg<dcb> createBoundary(@Body dca dca);
dcu createTripPlan(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dap dap) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcu> createTripPlanRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dap dap);
hlg<dcf> dataServiceOptIn(@Path("vin") String str, @Body daq daq);
hlg<dcg> deleteBoundary(@Path("boundaryId") String str);
String deleteVehicle(@Path("vin") String str) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcg> deleteVehicleLocateContact(@Path("contactId") String str);
hlg<dcg> deleteVehicleRx(@Path("vin") String str);
dbv getAccount() throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dbv> getAccountRx();
dcj getAddressNotifications() throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcj> getAddressNotificationsRx();
hlg<dbz> getBoundaries(@Query("includeNotifications") boolean z);
hlg<dcu> getChargerPowerLevel(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dat dat);
dcu getChargingProfile(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dat dat) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcu> getChargingProfileRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dat dat);
dcu getCommuteSchedule(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dat dat) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcu> getCommuteScheduleRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dat dat);
dcd getDataAllocation(@Path("vin") String str) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcd> getDataAllocationRx(@Path("vin") String str);
dcn getMarketingCategories(@Path("vin") String str) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcn> getMarketingCategoriesRx(@Path("vin") String str);
dcp getNotificationPreferences(@Query("vin") String str) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcp> getNotificationPreferencesRx(@Query("vin") String str);
hlg<dcv> getRemoteLinkSunsetThrottle(@Query("device_id") String str);
ddk getSmartDriveDayDetails(@Path("vin") String str, @Path("serviceCode") String str2, @Query("periodType") String str3, @Query("requestDate") String str4) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<ddk> getSmartDriveDayDetailsRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Path("serviceCode") String str2, @Query("periodType") String str3, @Query("requestDate") String str4);
hlg<ddk> getSmartDriverMonthDetailsRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Path("serviceCode") String str2, @Query("periodType") String str3, @Query("month") String str4, @Query("year") String str5);
hlg<ddk> getSmartDriverTripDetailsRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Path("serviceCode") String str2, @Query("periodType") String str3);
ddd getSubscriber(@Path("id") String str) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<ddd> getSubscriberRx(@Path("id") String str);
dde getSubscribers(@Query("type") String str) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dde> getSubscribersRx(@Query("type") String str);
dds getVehicle(@Path("vin") String str) throws cyn, cyl;
dds getVehicle(@Path("vin") String str, @QueryMap Map<String, Boolean> map) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<Response> getVehicleCapabilities(@Path("vin") String str, @Query("includeFeatures") boolean z);
ddj getVehicleCommands(@Path("vin") String str) throws cyn, cyl;
ddk getVehicleDataServiceByPeriod(@Path("vin") String str, @Path("serviceCode") String str2, @Query("periodType") String str3, @Query("from") String str4, @Query("to") String str5) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<ddk> getVehicleDataServiceByPeriodRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Path("serviceCode") String str2, @Query("periodType") String str3, @Query("from") String str4, @Query("to") String str5);
ddl getVehicleDataServices(@Path("vin") String str) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<ddl> getVehicleDataServicesRx(@Path("vin") String str);
ddm getVehicleFeatures(@Path("vin") String str) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<ddn> getVehicleLocateContact(@Path("contactId") String str);
hlg<dcl> getVehicleLocateContacts();
hlg<ddp> getVehicleNotifications(@Path("boundaryId") String str, @Path("vin") String str2);
ddq getVehicleProgramsOptIn(@Path("vin") String str) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<ddq> getVehicleProgramsOptInRx(@Path("vin") String str);
dcu getVehicleRequest(@Path("vin") String str, @Path("id") String str2, @Query("units") String str3) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcu> getVehicleRequestRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Path("id") String str2, @Query("units") String str3);
ddr getVehicleRequests(@Path("vin") String str) throws cyn, cyl;
ddr getVehicleRequests(@Path("vin") String str, @Query("offset") int i, @Query("limit") int i2) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dds> getVehicleRx(@Path("vin") String str);
hlg<dds> getVehicleRx(@Path("vin") String str, @QueryMap Map<String, Boolean> map);
ddt getVehicles() throws cyn, cyl;
ddt getVehicles(@Query("offset") int i, @Query("limit") int i2, @Query("includeCommands") boolean z, @Query("includeEntitlements") boolean z2) throws cyn, cyl;
ddt getVehicles(@Query("offset") int i, @Query("limit") int i2, @Query("includeCommands") boolean z, @Query("includeEntitlements") boolean z2, @Query("includeModules") boolean z3) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<ddt> getVehiclesRx(@Query("offset") int i, @Query("limit") int i2, @Query("includeCommands") boolean z, @Query("includeEntitlements") boolean z2, @Query("includeModules") boolean z3);
String logMetrics(@Body dax dax) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcg> logMetricsRx(@Body dax dax);
dcu requestAlertCommand(@Path("vin") String str, @Body AlertRequest alertRequest) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<Response> requestAlertCommandRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Header("Push-Request") String str2, @Body AlertRequest alertRequest);
dcu requestCancelAlertCommand(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dat dat) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<Response> requestCancelAlertCommandRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Header("Push-Request") String str2, @Body dat dat);
dcu requestCancelStartCommand(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dat dat) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<Response> requestCancelStartCommandRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Header("Push-Request") String str2, @Body dat dat);
hlg<dcg> requestDeleteVehicleDataService(@Path("vin") String str, @Query("serviceCode") String str2);
dcu requestDiagnosticsCommand(@Path("vin") String str, @Body das das) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<Response> requestDiagnosticsCommandRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Header("Push-Request") String str2, @Body das das);
dcu requestGetHotspotInfoCommand(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dat dat) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcu> requestGetHotspotInfoCommandRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dat dat);
dcu requestGetHotspotStatusCommand(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dat dat) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcu> requestGetHotspotStatusCommandRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dat dat);
dck requestGetSubscribedNotifications(@Path("vin") String str) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dck> requestGetSubscribedNotificationsRx(@Path("vin") String str);
dcu requestLocationCommand(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dat dat) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<Response> requestLocationCommandRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Header("Push-Request") String str2, @Body dat dat);
dcu requestLockDoorCommand(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dav dav) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<Response> requestLockDoorCommandRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Header("Push-Request") String str2, @Body dav dav);
hlg<dbw> requestOfferByIdRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Path("id") String str2);
dcq requestOffers(@Path("vin") String str) throws cyn, cyl;
dbw requestOffersById(@Path("vin") String str, @Path("id") String str2) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcq> requestOffersRx(@Path("vin") String str);
dct requestProductsCommand(@Path("vin") String str, @Path("service_id") String str2, @Query("includeUsage") boolean z) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dct> requestProductsCommandRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Path("service_id") String str2, @Query("includeUsage") boolean z);
dcu requestSendNavDestinationCommand(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dbc dbc) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<Response> requestSendNavDestinationCommandRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Header("Push-Request") String str2, @Body dbc dbc);
dcu requestSendTBTCommand(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dbd dbd) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<Response> requestSendTBTCommandRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Header("Push-Request") String str2, @Body dbd dbd);
dcz requestServices(@Path("vin") String str) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcz> requestServicesRx(@Path("vin") String str);
dcu requestSetHotspotInfoCommand(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dbi dbi) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<Response> requestSetHotspotInfoCommandRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Header("Push-Request") String str2, @Body dbi dbi);
dda requestSmartDriverIdeEnrollment(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dbm dbm) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcg> requestSmartDriverUnEnrollmentServiceRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Query("serviceCode") String str2, @Query("reasoncode") String str3, @Query("serviceCode") String str4, @Query("reasoncode") String str5);
dcu requestStartCommand(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dat dat) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<Response> requestStartCommandRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Header("Push-Request") String str2, @Body dat dat);
dcu requestStartTraileringLightSeq(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dbo dbo) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<Response> requestStartTraileringLightSeqRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Header("Push-Request") String str2, @Body dbo dbo);
dcu requestStopFastCharge(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dat dat) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcu> requestStopFastChargeRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dat dat);
dcu requestStopTraileringLightSeq(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dbp dbp) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<Response> requestStopTraileringLightSeqRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Header("Push-Request") String str2, @Body dbp dbp);
ddf requestSupportContacts(@Path("vin") String str) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<ddf> requestSupportContactsRx(@Path("vin") String str);
dcu requestUnlockDoorCommand(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dbr dbr) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<Response> requestUnlockDoorCommandRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Header("Push-Request") String str2, @Body dbr dbr);
ddg requestVehicleTelemetry(@Path("vin") String str, @Query("begintimestamp") String str2, @Query("endtimestamp") String str3) throws cyn, cyl;
ddg requestVehicleTelemetry(@Path("vin") String str, @Query("begintimestamp") String str2, @Query("endtimestamp") String str3, @Query("offset") int i, @Query("limit") int i2) throws cyn, cyl;
dcu setChargeOverride(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dbe dbe) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcu> setChargeOverrideRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dbe dbe);
hlg<dcu> setChargerPowerLevel(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dbf dbf);
dcu setChargingProfile(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dbg dbg) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcu> setChargingProfileRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dbg dbg);
dcu setCommuteSchedule(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dbh dbh) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcu> setCommuteScheduleRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dbh dbh);
dcu setHotspotStatusForDisable(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dat dat) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<Response> setHotspotStatusForDisableRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Header("Push-Request") String str2, @Body dat dat);
dcu setHotspotStatusForEnable(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dat dat) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<Response> setHotspotStatusForEnableRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Header("Push-Request") String str2, @Body dat dat);
dcp setNotificationPreferences(@Query("vin") String str, @Body dbj dbj) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcp> setNotificationPreferencesRx(@Query("vin") String str, @Body dbj dbj);
hlg<Response> setNotificationPreferencesWithResponse(@Query("vin") String str, @Body dbj dbj);
hlg<dcu> setPriorityCharging(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dbk dbk);
hlg<ddn> setVehicleLocateContact(@Body cxr cxr);
dby setVehicleProgramsOptIn(@Path("accountId") String str, @Path("vin") String str2, @Body dbl dbl) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dby> setVehicleProgramsOptInRx(@Path("accountId") String str, @Path("vin") String str2, @Body dbl dbl);
hlg<dcu> setVehicleSmartDriverEnrollment(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dbm dbm);
@Headers({"Content-Type: application/json"})
String updateAccount(@Path("id") String str, @Body dbs dbs) throws cyn, cyl;
@Headers({"Content-Type: application/json"})
hlg<dcg> updateAccountRx(@Path("id") String str, @Body dbs dbs);
hlg<dcb> updateBoundary(@Body dca dca, @Path("boundaryId") String str);
String updateNotificationAddress(@Body dbt dbt) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcg> updateNotificationAddressRx(@Body dbt dbt);
String updateSubscribedNotifications(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dbu dbu) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcg> updateSubscribedNotificationsRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Body dbu dbu);
String updateVehicleDetail(@Path("vin") String str, @Body UpdateVehicleDetailRequest updateVehicleDetailRequest) throws cyn, cyl;
hlg<dcg> updateVehicleDetailRx(@Path("vin") String str, @Body UpdateVehicleDetailRequest updateVehicleDetailRequest);
hlg<ddn> updateVehicleLocateContact(@Body cxr cxr, @Path("contactId") String str);
hlg<ddp> updateVehicleNotifications(@Path("boundaryId") String str, @Path("vin") String str2, @Body ddo ddo);
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