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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Project Euler #1
(defn- multiple-of [num x] (zero? (mod x num)))
(defn- multiples-of-three-and-five [x]
(or (multiple-of 3 x)
(multiple-of 5 x)))
(defn- real-numbers-below [x] (range 1 x))
(defn multiples-of-three-and-five-below [x]
(filter multiples-of-three-and-five (real-numbers-below x)))
(defn sum-of-multiples [x]
(reduce + (multiples-of-three-and-five-below x)))
(sum-of-multiples 10000)
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[ :refer :all]))
(deftest multiples-of-n
(testing "below 10 the multiples should be 3 5 6 and 9"
(is (= (multiples-of-three-and-five-below 10), [3 5 6 9])))
(testing "the sum of all multiples below 10 should be 23"
(is (= (sum-of-multiples 10), 23)))
(testing "the sum of all multiples below 1000 should be something"
(is (= (sum-of-multiples 1000), 233168)))
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