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Created February 28, 2019 01:23
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# set an env var to the path to a config
export REGTEST_CONFIG=$HOME/.config/hsd/regtest.conf
# this assumes you have git cloned and npm installed handshake
# be sure to start your handshake node with the same config
# ./bin/hsd --config=$REGTEST_CONFIG
# the cli tools live in node_modules/.bin
# also depends on jq
# get a random name that is available
name=$(./node_modules/.bin/hsd-rpc --config=$REGTEST_CONFIG grindname 10)
# get a receive address
receive=$(./node_modules/.bin/hsw-cli --config=$REGTEST_CONFIG account default | jq -r .receiveAddress)
# see the name info, can see the state of the auction
./node_modules/.bin/hsd-rpc --config=$REGTEST_CONFIG getnameinfo "$name"
# open a bid then mine a block
./node_modules/.bin/hsw-rpc --config=$REGTEST_CONFIG sendopen "$name"
./node_modules/.bin/hsd-rpc --config=$REGTEST_CONFIG generatetoaddress 1 "$receive"
# mine enough blocks to enter the bidding period
./node_modules/.bin/hsd-rpc --config=$REGTEST_CONFIG getnameinfo "$name" \
| jq -r .info.stats.blocksUntilBidding \
| xargs -I{} ./node_modules/.bin/hsd-rpc --config=$REGTEST_CONFIG generatetoaddress {} "$receive"
# check for yourself that its in the bidding period
./node_modules/.bin/hsw-rpc --config=$REGTEST_CONFIG getauctioninfo "$name"
# send a bid and mine a block so the tx is confirmed
./node_modules/.bin/hsw-rpc --config=$REGTEST_CONFIG sendbid "$name" 100 1000
./node_modules/.bin/hsd-rpc --config=$REGTEST_CONFIG generatetoaddress 1 "$receive"
# mine enough blocks to start the reveal period
./node_modules/.bin/hsd-rpc --config=$REGTEST_CONFIG getnameinfo "$name" \
| jq -r .info.stats.blocksUntilReveal \
| xargs -I{} ./node_modules/.bin/hsd-rpc --config=$REGTEST_CONFIG generatetoaddress {} "$receive"
# send a reveal tx and mine a block to confirm it
./node_modules/.bin/hsw-rpc --config=$REGTEST_CONFIG sendreveal "$name"
./node_modules/.bin/hsd-rpc --config=$REGTEST_CONFIG generatetoaddress 1 "$receive"
# mine enough blocks to close the auction
./node_modules/.bin/hsd-rpc --config=$REGTEST_CONFIG getnameinfo "$name" \
| jq -r .info.stats.blocksUntilClose \
| xargs -I{} ./node_modules/.bin/hsd-rpc --config=$REGTEST_CONFIG generatetoaddress {} "$receive"
# set a record
./node_modules/.bin/hsw-rpc --config=$REGTEST_CONFIG sendupdate "$name" "$name" \
'{"ttl":172800,"ns":["[email protected]"]}'
./node_modules/.bin/hsd-rpc --config=$REGTEST_CONFIG generatetoaddress 1 "$receive"
# can change the records again by submitting another sendupdate transaction to the same name
# we really should be generating new addresses each time, but good thing this is regtest =)
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