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Last active September 21, 2024 10:20
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Detecting Similar News

Detecting Similar News

The following gist is an extract of the article Detecting Similar News. It exploit data retrieve by a crawler and detect similar article across different domains


Start by running the crawler to retrieve the data. Crawler takes about 50 minutes to retrieve all the data the first time.

$ python
retrieving url... [] /
retrieving url... [] /2014/08/02/...

Once done, run the plagia script, it will read the database imported by the crawler, extract the articles and find matches across the different domains

$ python
# filename:
# native libs
import sys
import re
from collections import defaultdict
# external libs
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# local libs
from crawler import CrawlerCache
crawler_cache = CrawlerCache('crawler.db')
# Config per domain
sites = (
'domain': '',
'url_re': re.compile('^/\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}/*').match,
'get_content': lambda page: page.find('div', 'article-entry'),
'words': defaultdict(int),
'urls': {},
'domain': '',
'url_re': re.compile('^/\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}/*').match,
'get_content': lambda page: page.find('div', 'post-body'),
'words': defaultdict(int),
'urls': {},
'domain': '',
'url_re': re.compile('^/[a-z0-9\-]*-\d{5,12}').match,
'get_content': lambda page: page.find('article', 'post'),
'words': defaultdict(int),
'urls': {},
'domain': '',
'url_re': re.compile('^/[a-z0-9\-]*-\d{5,12}/$').match,
'get_content': lambda page: page.find('article', 'post'),
'words': defaultdict(int),
'urls': {},
'domain': '',
'url_re': re.compile('^/\d{4}/\d{2}/[^/]*/$').match,
'get_content': lambda page: page.find('article', 'post'),
'words': defaultdict(int),
'urls': {},
# store all the words for statistical value
# filter the URLs, extract the content, get the words
for site in sites:
domain = site['domain']
# retrieve all the URL for current domain matching an article format
urls = set([u for u in crawler_cache.get_urls(domain) if site['url_re'](u)])
for url in urls:
html = crawler_cache.get(domain=domain, url=url)
if html:
# User beautifulSoup to navigate the document
page = BeautifulSoup(html)
# retrive the content of the article
content = site['get_content'](page)
if content:
# remove script tag content from article
# yes, there is JS in the article :/
[s.clear() for s in content.find_all('script')]
# trim the tags from the article
article_words = content.get_text().split()
# articles with less than 200 words kind of suck
# so let ignore those
if len(article_words) > 200:
# keep uniq words by putting them in a set
article_words = set(w.lower() for w in article_words)
site['urls'][url] = article_words
# count the words occurence (per domain and globally)
for word in article_words:
site['words'][word] += 1
# Now lets remove words common in the article of the domain
for site in sites:
# words present over 5% of the articles of the domain are removed
threshold = len(site['urls']) * .05
noisy_words = set(w for w, c in site['words'].items() if c > threshold)
for url in site['urls'].keys():
# remove part using set difference feature, pretty sweet
site['urls'][url] = site['urls'][url].difference(noisy_words)
# We can now compare article to each others across domains
plagia = defaultdict(list)
for site in sites:
for other_site in sites:
# We don't match site against itself :|
if other_site['domain'] == site['domain']:
# grab every articles for the domain
for url in site['urls'].keys():
# words on the current article
words = site['urls'][url]
# minumum match has to be 10%
best_score = len(words) * .1
match = ''
# compare article to the another domain's articles
for other_url in other_site['urls'].keys():
# words in the article from another domain
other_words = other_site['urls'][other_url]
# count how many common "rare" words
score = len(words.intersection(other_words))
if score > best_score:
# woohoo, if you're here you're the new best match
match = other_url
best_score = score
if match:
full_url = 'http://%s%s' % (site['domain'], url)
full_other_url = 'http://%s%s' % (other_site['domain'], match)
(best_score * 100.0) / len(words), # percentage
for url, matches in plagia.items():
print url
for match in matches:
print '\t%s\t%.d%%\t%s' % match
# filename:
import re
from crawler import Crawler, CrawlerCache
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Using SQLite as a cache to avoid pulling twice
crawler = Crawler(CrawlerCache('crawler.db'))
root_re = re.compile('^/$').match
crawler.crawl('', no_cache=root_re)
crawler.crawl('', no_cache=root_re)
crawler.crawl('', no_cache=root_re)
crawler.crawl('', no_cache=root_re)
crawler.crawl('', no_cache=root_re)
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