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Last active July 9, 2020 18:19
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Create a feature folder from an existing feature folder

This script is to use when you duplicate a module.

For example, lets say you have all the crud basic feature for user and you would like to seed the feature product with it.

You'll have to copy "user" into "product", search and replace every file:

  • replace "user" by "product"
  • and "User" by "Product"
  • and "USER" by "PRODUCT"
  • and rename files to
  • and UserXXX.js to ProductXXX.js
  • and createUser.tsx to createProduct.tsx
  • and rename the folder userLibs to productLibs etc...


You'll need to have Nodejs installed. Copy this script in a folder in your path, make it executable and you should be good to go.

curl -o /usr/local/bin/fromModule
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/fromModule


this script takes care of that in just 3 lines:

cp -r user product
cd product
fromModule user product
#!/usr/bin/env node
// this is to use when you duplicate a module.
// For example, lets say you have all the crud basic feature for "user"
// and you would like to seed the feature "product" with it.
// You'll have to copy "user" into "product", search and replace every instance
// of user and replace them into "product"...
// and "User" into "Product"...
// and "USER" into "PRODUCT"...
// and rename all the files.. include into
// this script takes care of that in just 3 lines:
// cp -r user product
// cd product
// fromModule user product
const fs = require("fs");
const source = process.argv[2];
const destination = process.argv[3];
if (!source) {
console.error("ERROR: source is missing");
if (!destination) {
console.error("ERROR: destination is missing");
function usage() {
"\nMake sure fromModule file is in a folder in your path and type:"
console.log("fromModule <source_folder> <destination_folder>");
function capitalize(value) {
return value.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + value.slice(1);
function rename(folder, path) {
const newPath = path
.replace(source.toLowerCase(), destination.toLowerCase()) // xxx_old.yyy => xxx_new.yyy
.replace(capitalize(source), capitalize(destination)) // xxx_Old.yyy => xxx_New.yyy
.replace(source.toUpperCase(), destination.toUpperCase()); // xxx_OLD.yyy => xxx_NEW.yyy
if (`${folder}${path}` !== `${folder}${newPath}`) {
fs.renameSync(`${folder}${path}`, `${folder}${newPath}`);
console.log(`Renamed "${folder}${path}" to "${folder}${newPath}"`);
return newPath;
function interpolate(path) {
const file = fs.readFileSync(path);
const result = file
.replace(new RegExp(source.toLowerCase(), "g"), destination.toLowerCase())
.replace(new RegExp(capitalize(source), "g"), capitalize(destination))
.replace(new RegExp(source.toUpperCase(), "g"), destination.toUpperCase());
console.log(`Interpolated ${path}"`);
fs.writeFileSync(path, result);
function explore(folder) {
const files = fs.readdirSync(folder);
for (const file of files) {
const stat = fs.statSync(`${folder}${file}`);
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
rename(folder, file);
} else {
rename(folder, file);
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