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Created December 31, 2014 14:27
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Test Buttons for Game Show Emulator
#Poll Raspberry Pi Buttons and control LEDS
#By Tyler Spadgenske
import RPi.GPIO as gpio
import time
class Poll():
def __init__(self):
self.DEBUG = True
#Setup pins and board
gpio.setup(22, gpio.IN, pull_up_down=gpio.PUD_UP)
gpio.setup(4, gpio.IN, pull_up_down=gpio.PUD_UP)
gpio.setup(17, gpio.IN, pull_up_down=gpio.PUD_UP)
#Put pins in variables
self.center_button = 22
self.right_button = 4
self.left_button = 17
self.first = ''
self.center_press = 0
self.right_press = 0
self.left_press = 0
def reset(self):
self.first = ''
self.center_press = 0
self.right_press = 0
self.left_press = 0
def poll(self): #Returns first button pressed
#Variables for press count (one for each button)
self.center_press = 0
self.right_press = 0
self.left_press = 0
#Check for button presses
while True:
self.first = self.check()
if self.first != '':
return self.first
def check(self):
center_input = gpio.input(self.center_button)
left_input = gpio.input(self.left_button)
right_input = gpio.input(self.right_button)
if center_input == True:
if self.center_press > 0:
if self.DEBUG:
print('ADMIN: Console button 2 has been pressed')
self.first = 1
if self.DEBUG:
self.center_press += 1
#Right buttons stuff
if right_input == True:
if self.right_press > 0:
if self.DEBUG:
print('ADMIN: Console button 3 has been pressed')
self.first = 2
if self.DEBUG:
self.right_press += 1
#Left button stuff
if left_input == True:
if self.left_press > 0:
if self.DEBUG:
print('ADMIN: Console button 1 has been pressed')
self.first = 0
if self.DEBUG:
self.left_press += 1
return self.first
if __name__ == '__main__':
test = Poll()
while True:
test.first = ''
winner = test.poll()
print winner
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