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Last active July 8, 2024 03:41
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Running a demo of a 3 node Scylla cluster, Scylla Manager and Monitoring
# Start a Scylla cluster
docker run --name some-scylla -d scylladb/scylla --smp 1 --memory 750M --overprovisioned 1 --api-address
# Do not use the above --api-address for production. Exposing API IP is not secure.
SEED=$(docker inspect --format='{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' some-scylla)
echo $SEED
docker run --name some-scylla2 -d scylladb/scylla --smp 1 --memory 750M --overprovisioned 1 --api-address --seeds="$SEED"
docker run --name some-scylla3 -d scylladb/scylla --smp 1 --memory 750M --overprovisioned 1 --api-address --seeds="$SEED"
# Valdiate cluster is up and running
> docker exec -it some-scylla nodetool status
Datacenter: datacenter1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
-- Address Load Tokens Owns Host ID Rack
UN 110.77 KB 256 ? 63ef531d-13a4-4ffa-9d28-3985aeb5dc18 rack1
UN 104.88 KB 256 ? 7e985ea1-66d8-4c47-a517-2ef22f70d29c rack1
UN 110.58 KB 256 ? c5c0bd6f-c7b4-4dee-8fe9-0ca495b02a2b rack1
# Start A Scylla Manager
# Best is *not* to use a production cluster as a backend for Manager
docker run --name scylla-manager-db -d scylladb/scylla --smp 1 --memory 750M --overprovision 1
docker run -d --name scylla-manager --link scylla-manager-db scylladb/scylla-manager
# Validate Scylla Manager is up and running (may take 1-2 min)
> docker exec -it scylla-manager sctool version
Client version: 1.3.1-0.20190124.08fc477
Server version: 1.3.1-0.20190124.08fc477
# Add the cluster to the Manager
> docker exec -it scylla-manager sctool cluster add --host="$SEED" --name=my-cluster
/ \ Cluster added, to set it as a default run:
@ @ export SCYLLA_MANAGER_CLUSTER=30ab8b15-3515-4e37-b3d0-fa1d92c84870
| |
|| |/ Repair will run on 27 Feb 19 00:00:00 UTC and will be repeated every 7d.
|| || To see the currently scheduled tasks: sctool task list -c 30ab8b15-3515-4e37-b3d0-fa1d92c84870
> docker exec -it scylla-manager bash
#> sctool cluster list
│ cluster id │ name │ ssh user │
│ 30ab8b15-3515-4e37-b3d0-fa1d92c84870 │ my-cluster │ │
#> exit
# Extract the IP address of Scylla and Manager for the next step
> docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' some-scylla some-scylla2 some-scylla3
> docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' scylla-manager
# Setup Monitoring
git clone
cd scylla-grafana-monitoring
# edit prometheus/scylla_servers.yml with scylla nodes:
- targets:
cluster: my-cluster
# edit prometheus/scylla_manager_servers.yml with manager IP:
- targets:
./ -v 3.0 -M 1.3
Grafana IP: http://localhost:3000
Prometheus IP: http://localhost:9090
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tzach commented Mar 3, 2019


Take a node down

> docker stop some-scylla3

Use monitoring tools to see the effect:

> docker exec -it scylla-manager sctool status -c my-cluster
> docker exec -it some-scylla nodetool status

and monitoring dashboard (manager, cluster)

Start it agian with

docker start some-scylla3 

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