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tzmartin /
Created July 24, 2020 14:41
Download files from Google Drive using wget in Jupyter or Colab

Programmatically download files from a Google Drive link:

For large file run the following command with necessary changes in FILEID and FILENAME:

!wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt "$(wget --quiet --save-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --no-check-certificate '' -O- | sed -rn 's/.*confirm=([0-9A-Za-z_]+).*/\1\n/p')&id=FILEID" -O FILENAME && rm -rf /tmp/cookies.txt
tzmartin /
Last active January 3, 2021 17:19
How To Build Your Own Maker Workbench

Maker Workbench

Archived from

AUGUST 5, 2016

It can be tough working on a maker project if you don’t have a good space to work. Many times my electronics work surface was an ESD mat on the dining room table, but as my projects grew and my family grew I was under increasing pressure to find somewhere else to work. (Really it was the 3D printer that put my wife over the edge — rightfully so). I also didn’t want to have my electronics out in the garage which is my woodworking shop and full of saw dust.

The task of finding a decent place to work on electronics was more of a challenge than I expected. Lots of folks who left the dining room table seem to work on card tables or random repurposed Ikea tables and benches or purchase very expensive commercial electronics benches that are out of the range of most folks working part time as a maker. I knew there must be something in the middle that could be

tzmartin /
Created March 19, 2019 12:43
Health Record Trends



tzmartin /
Created December 8, 2018 16:46
Pretty git "railroad track" log report
git log --graph --pretty=\"format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset'\" --abbrev-commit --date=relative
tzmartin /
Created October 19, 2018 21:06
Release Flow

Release Flow

git log                 engineers
  ↳ Engineering Notes     ↳ eng managers
    ↳ Release Notes         ↳ product manager
      ↳ Blog Post             ↳ solution managers
        ↳ $$$$                  ↳ customers
tzmartin / main.go
Created March 17, 2018 15:12
Simple static server in go
package main
import (
func printRecovery() {
tzmartin / uploader.go
Created September 21, 2017 13:40 — forked from TheGU/uploader.go
Golang to upload file to google drive with progress bar using Google API
package main
import (
tzmartin / index.js
Created September 19, 2017 10:41
This repository contains two examples of how to use linux-icons with Electron for tray icons. Source: linux-icons-electron-example
const {
} = require('electron')
const icons = require('linux-icons')
let win
tzmartin / Info.plist
Created June 24, 2017 19:31 — forked from nathankerr/Info.plist
Registering a Go app as a protocol handler under Mac OS X
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
tzmartin /
Created June 20, 2017 06:18
PopcornJS Demo

PopcornJS Demos

Mozilla no longer maintains PopcornJS and the demos are no longer on the site. Here are the previously listed demos for posterity:

A slideshare deck synchronized with a Youtube video
