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tzmartin / capabilities.txt
Created March 10, 2025 01:46 — forked from jlia0/agent loop
Manus tools and prompts
# Manus AI Assistant Capabilities
## Overview
I am an AI assistant designed to help users with a wide range of tasks using various tools and capabilities. This document provides a more detailed overview of what I can do while respecting proprietary information boundaries.
## General Capabilities
### Information Processing
- Answering questions on diverse topics using available information
- Conducting research through web searches and data analysis
tzmartin /
Created February 26, 2025 17:18
Cursor Rules: "Create a global agent rule to run a bash script every time new files are created" - @iannuttall
tzmartin /
Created February 26, 2025 04:42
Vue tips for creating more maintainable, predictable, and reusable components while avoiding the common pitfalls
Let me reflect on the CSS styling and component issues we encountered and formulate a set of best practices for working with Vue components and CSS. This will help avoid similar issues in the future.

Key issues we encountered:
1. CSS variable syntax: Using parentheses `(--variable)` instead of the correct `var(--variable)` or `[--variable]` in Tailwind
2. Class inheritance in Vue components: Vue doesn't automatically apply parent component classes to child components
3. Component styling vs. functionality separation: Mixing component logic with styling created confusion
4. Debugging complexity: Difficulty in tracing why styles weren't being applied
5. Default vs. override styles: Challenges in determining which styles take precedence
tzmartin /
Created December 6, 2024 18:42
Roboflow Model Library contains pre-configured model architectures for easily training computer vision models

Roboflow Model Library

The Roboflow Model Library contains pre-configured model architectures for easily training computer vision models.

PyTorch Object Detection


  • Description: YOLOv8 is a state-of-the-art object detection and image segmentation model created by Ultralytics.
  • Links:
  • Tutorial
tzmartin /
Last active August 9, 2023 05:29
Convert USDZ to GLB via Python

Convert USDZ to GLB (python)


pip install aspose-3d


tzmartin /
Last active September 9, 2024 06:40
LLM Prompts

Building your pitch deck:

I want you to assist me in the creation of my pitch deck. I want to raise a $2M seed round from VC investors and angels in the US. Can you ask me the common questions slide by slide that help to gather all the relevant content and then create the final content for the pitch deck out of it. Do not write all conversation at once. Start with giving me the full structure of slides for the deck.

Practice your pitch:

I want you to act as a Venture Capital Investor. I will be a startup founder pitching you my startup idea to get an investment from you. I want you to ask me questions about my business idea, team and plans for the future. I want you to only reply as the VC. Do not write all conversation at once. I want you to only to the discussion with me. Ask me the questions and wait for my answer. Do not write explanations. Ask me the questions one by one like a VC does and wait for my answers. You start with the first question “Give me the elevator pitch of your idea

Find invest


Let's partner up!

Hi {first name},‍

Hope you’re well. My name is {your name} and I’m in charge of partnerships at {company}.‍
tzmartin /
Created January 25, 2022 00:55
How to do software engineering contracts


How to do software engineering contracts


Software projects have a notorious reputation of being later than expected, more expensive than estimated and sometimes not even functional.

If you are like me, you are in this field because you want to create great new things. Things that improve lives.

tzmartin /
Created March 20, 2021 15:59
Example Bibtext reference for a Github repository


If you find this code useful, please consider citing

@misc{[PROJECT ID],
    title={[PROJECT TITLE]},
    author={[LNAME, FNAME]},
tzmartin /
Created August 8, 2020 18:01
How to Submit a Show HN

How to Submit a "Show HN"

If you're sharing your own work and there's a way to try it out, put "Show HN" in the title. Make sure you've read the Show HN guidelines:

Posts without URLs get penalized, so when you submit, put your site in the URL field and leave the text field blank.

Add a comment to the thread giving the backstory of how you came to work on this, and explaining what's different about it. That tends to seed discussion in a good direction.

Include a clear statement of what your project is or does. If you don't, the discussion will consist of "I can't tell what this is". >